Home Minimal WordPress Themes Hnk – Architecture Business WordPress Theme

Hnk – Architecture Business WordPress Theme

Hnk – Architecture Business WordPress Theme


Hnk – Architecture, Interior Business WordPress Theme

You’re in search of a theme for your architecture, interior & decoration design company. H&K definitely will be a worth choice which will bring a fresh and modern look to your business with its stunning beauty.

Specially made for the design firm, we proudly to introduce its striking features such as 9+ Project layouts, 3+ Gallery layouts, After & Before Remodeling comparison, etc.

Finally yet importantly, it can be also used as a multi-purpose WordPress Theme with Project manager, extended Blog, Woocommerce store and easy-to-use function packed in. Get H&K now along with our whole-hearted support!

Hnk - Architecture Business WordPress Theme - 1

Hnk - Architecture Business WordPress Theme - 2

Hnk - Architecture Business WordPress Theme - 3

Hnk - Architecture Business WordPress Theme - 4

Hnk - Architecture Business WordPress Theme - 5

Hnk - Architecture Business WordPress Theme - 6

Hnk - Architecture Business WordPress Theme - 7


  • Photos: The images used on the demo site are for demonstration purposes only and are not included in the download file.
  • Icons Font

    • Font-Awesome (http://fontawesome.io/)
  • Javascript

    • jQuery (http://jquery.com/)
    • jQuery UI (http://jqueryui.com/)
    • jQuery Countdown (http://rendro.github.io/countdown/)
    • jQuery CounterUp (https://github.com/bfintal/Counter-Up)
    • Flexslider (http://flexslider.woothemes.com)
    • Isotope (http://isotope.metafizzy.co/)
    • WayPoints (http://imakewebthings.com/jquery-waypoints/)
    • PrettyPhoto (http://www.no-margin-for-errors.com/projects/prettyphoto-jquery-lightbox-clone/)
    • Images Loaded (http://desandro.github.io/imagesloaded/)
    • FitVids (http://fitvidsjs.com/)
    • OWL Carousel (http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/)


Version 1.1.0
Thursday, January 17, 2019

    - Update theme styles for compatible with WordPress 5

Version 1.0.9
Sunday, February 18, 2018

    - Update theme styles for compatible with WooCommerce 3.3

Version 1.0.8
Sunday, April 23, 2017

    - Update theme styles for compatible with WooCommerce 3.0

Version 1.0.7
Monday, May 23, 2016

    - Fixed counter shortcode
    - Fixed google maps shortcode

Version 1.0.6
Thursday, April 28, 2016

    - Updated shortcodes
    - Updated Visual Composer, Revolution Slider

Version 1.0.5
Saturday, Mar 19, 2016

    - Fixed project_justified shortcode that cannot filter projects by categories or tags
    - Fixed sample data installer
    - Updated shortcodes plugin

Version 1.0.4
Wednesday, Mar 09, 2016

    - Added option for logo retina
    - Added option to disable page loading indicator
    - Fixed bug when to disable the plugin Easy Pricing Tables Lite by Fatcat Apps
    - Fixed bug for shortcodes plugin

Version 1.0.3
Friday, Jan 22, 2016

    - Added option to turn off the page loading indicator
    - Fixed bug when disabled the plugin Easy Pricing Tables Lite by Fatcat Apps
    - Fixed bug when install plugin Shortcodes for H&K without Visual Composer

Version 1.0.2
Tuesday, Jan 19, 2016

    - Added projects layout justified

Version 1.0.1
Monday, Jan 18, 2016

    - Fixed style when disabled the page title

