Home WordPress Themes Atik – A Simple WordPress Theme for your Online Store

Atik – A Simple WordPress Theme for your Online Store

Atik – A Simple WordPress Theme for your Online Store


Atik is an easy to setup and manage WooCommerce theme that brings layout flexibility with solid, consistent design and layout. Wether you sell only one, or hundreds of products, with Atik you will find a modular design system that works out of the box, and rock solid code that is developer friendly and following the best WordPress coding practices.

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Easy customization, intuitive options

Say goodbye to endless setup hours and meaningless demo imports. Atik provides flexible customization options under the Customizer panel that let you configure strategic layout options in a non-obtrusive and intuitive flow.

  • Blog Layout
    Pick any of the three available layouts for your blog page, and easily setup key options
  • Shop Layout Define columns (sidebar option is included), product grid style, add an optional header image to your category pages and more.
  • Typography Choose any font from the Google Web Fonts directory for your titles and body text.
  • Content widgets Create your homepage layout by combining 6 custom widgets that give you complete flexibility on where and how to display your content.

A widget-based approach for content building

Create a widgetized page and set up custom layouts combining any of the 6 custom content widgets. Through an intuitive drag-and drop UX with a native feel, you will be able to tailor the layout to your needs by filling widget settings and re-ordering them.The available custom widgets are listed below:

  • Section: Product Grid Adds a section that displays your products in several columns, and styles
  • Section: Static content Outputs the content of a static page. You can also set a custom background color and /or image
  • Section: Feature Callout Adds a simple text-image layout that can be aligned in any way you wish. You can use this to showcase important aspects of your services / store in clear way.
  • Section: Blog Posts It will simply output a section that displays your posts, in the layout that you define..
  • Section: Category Boxes It will simply output a section that displays your posts, in one of the provided layouts.
  • Section: Featured slides A simple slider solution for users who want to more fast paced workflows.

Simple online store setup

Atik does not come with a page builder and endless customization options. Nor it requires a huge list of plugins in order to work like the demo. Atik’s thoughtful design decisions allow you to set up and manage a WooCommerce-based store that will you actually enjoy.

Custom Header Image/Video Support

Atik lets you add a custom intro section to your homepage by adding a header image or a video. Works with .mp4 videos and youTube links. Over that media you can also add a title and a description (html markup is supported) as a welcome message to your visitors.

Theme Highlights

  • Responsive Design from Head to Footer
  • Crisp and clear, minimalistic design approach, with refined typography
  • Widgetized homepage that let’s you re-order every homepage section
  • Child Theme Ready
  • Change fonts on the move with Google Web Fonts
  • Flexible control over color
  • Custom 404 (Page not found) page
  • Full Localisation Support ( .po/.mo files included )
  • Compatible with WPML
  • StagTools Compatible (free): Adds shortcodes, custom widgets and post types to your theme. For more info check the plugin page.
  • Dedicated support desk to keep you covered
  • Extensive documentation ( Accessible both online and offline )
  • Frequent theme updates to ensure optimal compatibility with industry technologies
  • Made by Elite Authors standing behind their product.

Kind words from Atik’s Customers

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Change Log

The latest updates and bug fixes for this theme can be seen inside the theme files in a file called “changelog.txt” or you can also view the online changelog.

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