Home Discounted WordPress Themes Events WordPress Theme for Booking Tickets – EM4U

Events WordPress Theme for Booking Tickets – EM4U

Events WordPress Theme for Booking Tickets – EM4U


EM4U - Event Tickets WordPress Theme - 1
EM4U - Event Tickets WordPress Theme - 2
EM4U - Event Tickets WordPress Theme - 3

EM4U – Event Tickets WordPress Theme is a responsive modern template for Event Ticket, Event Theme, Conference, Event Agency, Meetup, Webinars, Business, Marketing, Ads, Music Event, Sport Event.

You can manage Multiple Events without lots of effort and create Event landing pages or Event one page which is siutable for your purpose.

Our event platform assists customers on booking events directly on the website with a lot of popular payment gateways such as: Paypal, Stripe, Woocommerce

Event management System make it easy for administrator to manage information of tickets based on Name Event, Customer, QR code …. that included in tickets.
Our Event platform is the top choice for management of your events.

EM4U - Multiple Event  Conference WordPress Theme
EM4U - Multiple Event Conference WordPress Theme
EM4U - Multiple Event Conference WordPress Theme

EM4U - Multiple Event  Conference WordPress Theme
EM4U - Multiple Event Conference WordPress Theme
EM4U - Multiple Event Conference WordPress Theme

Video Install EM4U - Multiple Single Event, Conference WordPress Theme

EM4U - Multiple Event Conference WordPress Theme

Events Management Plugin

  • Hierarchical Categories tree: Event Mangement System enables you to make a event in different categories. You can manage categories in a simple and visual way with hierarchical category tree.
  • Event Calendar Em4u allows you to select days and months directly with a beautiful Date Time UI . It is not difficult for you to change date and month formats to fit with your country. Event calendar feature gives you permision to display your events by multiple cretiria like future events, upcoming events, past events, category events and all events. With event calendar feature, you can find out events suitable for your expecting time.
  • Google Map is intergrated directly on the site, so locations are displayed exactly to users. Moreover, the system sorts events based on locations and venues.

    • Location Post Type: Using hierarchical location tree with 2 levels assist you on being hierarchical Country – City Or State – City.
    • Venue Post Type: The venue is a particular place where events take place. You can make as many venues as you want without limitation. The System allows venues to display a lot of information such as: working day, map, contact info… Furthermore, it supports to display venue list and events of each venue.
  • Event Schedule feature: Our Event is the perfect one for event management because its excellent Event Schedule feature. You are able to create unlimited schedules. Label, date for each tab are display easily. In the tab, you can select Speaker, Description, Time, Titlle. You are allow to choose one or many Speakers in the list.

    • The Speakers Post Type: that you choosed in scheduled. You can make unlimited speakers with infos: bio profile, social…. You can see list speakers at frontend. In detail speaker you will see info also List Events that speaker joined.
  • Event Ticket is one of the most important features in Event Booking WordPress Theme. Your are able to make unlimited tickets

    • It enable you to manage Inventory of each ticket.
    • The certificate file is embed on per ticket (PDF or Image file )
    • Various tickets are created: Free, Paid, Woo, External with different payment gateways.
    • Payment Gateways Our Event Platform supports three payment gateways: Paypal, Stripe, Offline Payment. Besides, with Woocommerce for Booking Event, you can use multiple Payment Gateways siutable for your intention.
    • Manage ticket easily: Customer information management system with QR Code and Bar Code will help manage tickets without a lot of effort. Providing QR Code via website will allow to verify and update the status of tickets. It is convenient to send again tickets for customers, if they haven’t received any email ( PDF file or QR code ).
    • Allow integrate QR Code, Barcode, Logo, Certificate file in Ticket PDF file
    • The Customer can download ticket again in manage booking section at frontend
  • Gallary Feature: You can choose many images in a events with Gallary Feature. We use Media System to help you manage gallary Event easily.
  • The Sponsors : Sponsors feature that is an essential one permits you to make unlimited sponsors level such as: gold sponsors, silver sponsors…..Choosing images and links for each sponsor is in a simple way.
  • Organizer: Organizers information can be display easily on the website such as: Name, Email, Phone, Website, and you can completely hide that private information.
  • The system also supports the contact form to send question related to events.
  • Extra information feature Event platfom allows to display extra information at the sidebar: an advertising image or a short introduction.
  • List Event: You can arrange event list according to custom Order, Feature, Name, ID, Start Date which is available in Elements WPBakery PageBuilder.
  • Event Search System on the website make customers easy to look for events. We use Shortcode to display Form Search, so you are able to put it everwhere you like. Based on your intention, you can use Show Field or Hide Field.
  • Backend system supports many options that allows you to customize the theme according to your requirement.
  • Order management system: With order management system, you completely know customer information, order status, and other information
  • Tag system: Enable users to search events according to tag.
  • Attendees Export System: help you export tickets and attendees information for each event by CSV file.
  • Change slug Event, Category in backend easily.
  • Override Template: Allow make your template to override default template of events manager plugin in child theme.
  • Option require Login before Checkout Event
  • The Customer can download ticket again in manage booking section at frontend

Other Features

  • 13 Home Page Variation
  • 11 Slideshow Variation
  • 05 Header Variation
  • 05 Footer Variation
  • 10 Event List Style.
  • 04 Blog Styles.
  • 04 Speaker List Style
  • 02 Venue List Style
  • 03 Contact Template
  • Support Woocommerce
  • Support MegaMenu
  • Free Visual Composer Page Builder Plugin
  • Free Cube Portoflio Plugin
  • One click import demo data
  • Change Header, Footer in each event/post/page easily
  • Change layout (left siderbar, right sidebar, no-sidebar) in each post/page
  • Support Wide or Boxed in post/page
  • .pot file already for translate language
  • Support icon font: Font-Awesome, Eleganticons, Flaticon
  • Responsive 100%
  • Support IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
  • Documentation Step by Step

Support System

  • Documentation Online
  • Support: ovatheme.ticksy.com/

Meup - Marketplace Events WordPress Theme



- Update theme to version 1.3.3
+ Update Breadcrumbs
+ Update Customize Color
+ Fix problem relate logo in customzie and metabox per post/page

- Update Ovatheme Events Manager Plugin to version 1.3.2

+ Add User can manage booking and download again ticket in my account at frontend.
+ Add Term & Conditions in Booking Form
+ Add Filter allow Sort Category, Location in dropdown
+ Add Setting require login before booking event

+ Fix sub string with Arabic language.
+ Fix draft order made when booking a product in shop
+ Fix some errors when event doesn’t have logo

+ Update Image thumbnail for Venue Slider

- Update Ova Login to version 1.1.6
+ Update redirect-to in some cases

- Update Ova Advent to version 1.1.4
+ Update style for Blog Slider Elements

- Update WP Bakery to version 6.1
11/ OCT//2019
- Update theme to version 1.3.3
+ Update Woocommerce to latest version
+ Update Documentation

- Update Ovatheme Events Manager Plugin to version 1.3.1
+ Add Category Filter Ajax
+ Add option display Past, Current, Upcoming Event of a speaker
+ Add option display number character of card event: Title, Location, Description
+ Add option to change label in event detail: Schedule, Speaker, Comment, Organizer, Sponsor, Ticket & Price …
+ Improve Image thumbnail in some section: Event Retalted, Event joined in speaker…
+ Fix style event popup in map
+ Fix action when click Phone, Mail, website in speaker detail
+ Fix pagination when choose Upcoming, Past, Feature Page Template make front page
- Update theme to version 1.3.2
+ Fix breacrumbs in Location
- Update Visual Composer (WPBakery) 6.0.5
- Update theme to version 1.3.1
- Update Events Manager Plugin to version 1.3.0
+ Fix display Cart, Checkout with WPBakery Plugin 6.0.3
- Update theme to version 1.3.0

- Update Ovatheme Login to version 1.1.5
+ Fix problem login in some server.
+ Update Language File 
- Update theme to version 1.2.9
- Update Ovatheme Events Manager Plugin to version 1.2.9
+ Update auto detect language for calendar.
+ Add option date form in calendar
+ Add option Events Per Page in List Event Page

- Update WPBakery Builder to version 6.0.3
- Update theme to version 1.2.8
+ Woocommerce outdate file.
+ Fix pagination shop in mobile
+ Update style login woocommerce

- Update Ovatheme Events Manager Plugin to version 1.2.8
+ Add Get direction google map button in event detail
+ Update Animation Mobile Menu
+ Remove Archive text without Archive Title
+ Add options allow choose the weekends
+ Update display Schedule, Speaker
+ sorting of speakers in list backend by title
+ Update style schedule with multiple speakers

- Update Ovatheme Login Plugin to version 1.1.4
+ Fix problem when install in sub directory in some servers.

- Update WPBakery Builder to version 6.0.2
- Events Manager Plugin (Version 1.2.7)
+ Fix display ticket when choose time public ticket
- Update Theme (Version 1.2.7), Events Manager Plugin (Version 1.2.6)
+ [UPDATE] option show/hide field in Search Form
+ [UPDATE] language file for Events Manager Plugin
+ [FIX] Display color for some elements

- Update Theme (Version 1.2.6), Events Manager Plugin (Version 1.2.5)
+ [UPDATE] Category, Location Info Element Visual Composer 
+ [UPDATE] Search System
+ [UPDATE] Container in Slideshow
+[UPDATE] Search Event Banner
+ [ADD] Settings show/hide option in All Time Dropdown of Search Form
+[UPDATE] Documentation
- Update Theme (Version 1.2.5), Events Manager Plugin (Version 1.2.4)

+ [FIX] Sort in Category Filter Elements WPBakery Page Builder
+ [FIX] Date Format in Category Filter Elements WPBakery Page Builder
+ [FIX] Pagination in Event Tags

+ [ADD] Modern Event Detail 
+ [ADD] Allow add Certificate File in Attachment Mail each event ticket.
+ [ADD] Search Banner
+ [ADD] Show Thumbnail Category Element Visual Composer
+ [ADD] Show Thumbnail Location Element Visual Composer

+ [UPDATE] Header Version 2
+ [UPDATE] Mobile: Style Countdown in home 2
+ [UPDATE] Visual Composer (WPBakery Page Builder) Version 5.7
29/Jan/2019 - Version 1.2.4
- Fix problem javascript when empty Google API
- Fix problem with error price format in Cart, Checkout

27/Jan/2019 - Version 1.2.3
+ [ADD] Location - Your Country, City
+ [ADD] Map Event - Display all event in Map
+ [ADD] Find Event with Country, City
+ [ADD] Google Calendar, iCal
+ [UPDATE] Settings Show/Hide All Fields in Event Detail
+ [ADD] Address, Map for Event 
+ [UPDATE] Optimize Speed
+ [NOTE] You have to enable mbstring in your server to use PDF ticket feature.
+ [NOTE] Session Directory have permission write
30/NOV/2018 - Version 1.2.2
+ [ADD] Compatibility WPML
+ [ADD] Filter Options for Slideshow, Slider
+ [UPDATE]  Woocommerce to version 3.5.1
+ [UPDATE] WPBakery Page Builder( Visual Composer ) version 5.6
+  [IMPROVE] Mobile Menu 
+ [IMPROVE] Layout
+ [FIX] Navigation in Slider Event
+ [FIX] Schedule hide when click Register Event Now Button
11/SEP/2018 - Version 1.2.1

- Event Management Plugin Update version 1.2
+ [ADD]: Allow send order mail to Organizer in Paid Event
+ [ADD]: Make Privated Event
+ [ADD]: Update Order ID of Woocommerce in Events Manager when booking via Woocommerce.
+ [ADD]: Book Now Button in Detail
+ [ADD]: New PDF Ticket Style. Choose logo for per event or Global Logo for all Event
+ [ADD]: Allow attachment PDF Ticket, QR Code separately or Both or None  in mail
+[Add]: Add Sidebar Content in event detail. You can insert your content, shortcode at sidebar event.
+ [UPDATE]: Add more field in result page when scan QR code
+ [UPDATE] : Package ID for Slideshow Three Shortcode
+ [UPDATE]: Option allows change number item in Slider Event Shortcode
+ [UPDATE] WPBakery Page Builder( Visual Composer ) version 5.5.4
+ [UPDATE] Woocommerce 3.4.4
+ [UPDATE] FontAwesome version 5.2.0
+ [UPDATE] TFPDF library with PHP 7
+ [FIX]: Remove character ” in Breadcrumbs
- EM4U Theme Version 1.2.1
+ [UPDATE]: Event Detail style
+ [UPDATE]: FontAwesome Update

- Ovatheme Login Plugin version 1.1.3
+[FIX] Error with Login Plugin
Version 1.2 - 22 May 2018
- Event Management Plugin Update version 1.1.9
+ [ADD] Option change slug of venue
+ [FIX] Fix Countdown
+ [FIX] Archive Category Event

- EM4U theme version 1.2
+ Breadcrumbs with tax, category of event
Version 1.1.9 - 06 May 2018
- Update theme version 1.19
- Compatibility WordPress 4.9.5

- Event Management Plugin Update version 1.1.8
+ [ADD] Event Calendar
+ [ADD] Front-end Submission
+ [ADD] Make Order, PDF Ticket, Attachment Ticket when booking via Woocommerce
+ [ADD]  Option Currency in PayPal Gateway

+ [UPDATE] Display Category by Parent-Child in Search Form
+ [UPDATE] Option allow hide Price & ticket tab when event expried
+ [UPDATE] Color in mobile
+ [UPDATE] Visual Composer 5.4.7

+ [FIX] Doesn’t Allow Order, Ticket in default search result
+ [FIX] Navigation Speaker Popup in schedule

Version 1.1.8 - 30 Mar 2018
- Event Management Plugin Update version 1.1.7
+ [FIX] Error when register free ticket
+ [UPDATE] Category Filter Element: When display single category, the frontend will doesn’t re-sort item.

- Visual Composer
+[UPDATE]: Visual Composer version 5.4.7

- Woocommerce
+ [UPDATE]: Compatibility Woocommerce version 3.3.4
Version 1.1.7 - 2 Mar 2018

- [UPDATE] theme to version 1.1.7
+ [FIX]: Language with Loco Plugin

- Event Management Plugin Update version 1.1.6
+ [ADD]: Export Attendees List to CSV file
+ [ADD]: Comment Form in event
+ [ADD]: Remaing ticket
+ [ADD]: Contact Form Event
+ [ADD]: Some options allow show/hide field in single event

+ [FIX]: Showing Product Woocommerce List in Event Ticket
+ [FIX]: Display 2 twice ticket in price table at frontend
+ [UPDATE]: Display List Tickets in Admin
+ [UPDATE]: Event Slider Two shortcode Allow choose category to display
+ [UPDATE]: Option allow choose zoom map 
+ [UPDATE]: Check ticket - allow display more detail about ticket

- [UPDATE]: Woocommerce version 3.3.3

Version 1.1.6 - 2 Feb 2018
- Update theme to version 1.1.6
- Add Paypal, Stripe, Offline Payment Gateway
- Add Ticket Event
- Add Coupon Event
- Update Manage Order
Version 1.1.5 - 2 JAN 2018
- Update theme version 1.1.5
+ Fix CountDown
Version 1.1.4 - 28 Dec 2017
- Update theme version 1.1.4
+ Update Documentation
+ Add landing page 2, 3
+ Add CubePortoflio Plugin

- Ova Advent Plugin Version 1.1.2
+ Add New Shortcode

- Ovatheme Events Manager Version 1.1.4
+ Update some Shortcode for using easily.
Version 1.1.3 - 20 Dec 2017
- Ova Login Plugin Version 1.1.2
+ Add code load textdomain

- Ova Advent Plugin Version 1.1.1
+ Add code load textdomain

- Ovatheme Events Manager Version 1.1.3
+  Add code load textdomain

- EM4U Theme
+ Fix css menu when logged

Version 1.1.2 - 14 Dec 2017
- Add Home Company
- Update Event Management Plugin to version 1.1.2
+ Add new style for ticket&price in Event detail
+ Update Filter Events Shortcode/Element: show/hide navigation, Show/hide status (Upcoming, Showing, Past Event)
+ Add Status Event
+ Fix date language
+ Fix active plugin
- Update Login Plugin to version 1.1.1
+ Fix when use plan permalink 
- Update Theme to version 1.1.2
+ Update version in style.css line 4
+ Fix button menu in mobile
Version 1.1.1 - 3 Dec 2017 
- Update Event Management Plugin to Version 1.1.1
+ Add 3 event slideshows
- Update Ova Adevent Plugin to Version 1.1
- Update Ovatheme MegaMenu Plugin to Version 1.1
- Update Theme to Version 1.1.1
+ Update icon color in slideshow
+ Add background image for default header
Version 1.1 - 25 Nov 2017 
- Update Event Management Plugin Version 1.1
+ Fix Date in backend
+ Update check ticket via QR Code
+ Update sort of Filter Event Shortcode
- Update Visual Composer Plugin
- Update color style in theme Version 1.1

