Home Best News/Magazine Themes Magellan – Video News & Reviews Magazine

Magellan – Video News & Reviews Magazine

Magellan – Video News & Reviews Magazine


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Key features

  • Fully Responsive design – mobile, tablet and computer version
  • 6 different demos included – News, Gaming, Fitness, Lifestyle, Church and Technology
  • Import theme demo with single click
  • Drag & Drop page builder included!
  • Amazing review features
  • Easily create video posts
  • Unique frosted glass image effect
  • Create awesome dropdown menus with Planetshine Mega Menu plugin
  • Create the best looking sliders out there with Revolution slider (included for free)
  • Great, custom built admin panel
  • Edit the appearance of Magellan using live visual editor
  • Multi language support (using WPML plugin)
  • Beautiful typography
  • Social media sharing
  • Customisable sidebar
  • SEO optimised
  • Full width page layout
  • Boxed background option
  • Contact form

Powerful News Magazine

First and foremost Magellan is a News Magazine. It has a beautiful newspaper style homepage layout that you can edit with drag and drop page editor. There are multiple different types of homepage content blocks that can be used and combined in different setups to achieve the perfect layout for you site. Magellan has 6 different demo sites that display different layouts and color styles – News, Tech, Gaming, Lifestyle, Fitness and Church. Each of these demos can be imported with a single click!

Magellan’s simple news paper like homepage layout is easy to navigate and features a lot of attention grabbing headlines and images. Many images have unique frosted glass design image overlays, that add a semi opaque layer on top of the image. There are also features that allow you to place gradients on images that allow you to easily give the whole site a unified look and feel. The design for blog posts is clean and minimal to avoid distracting the reader.

Supercharge your Review Site

Magellan is the perfect theme for review sites. Every post can easily be turned into a review for any kind of product – latest gadget, fashion clothing, travel destination, computer game or even sports equipment. All you have to do to get started is open the post edit page in your WordPress admin and set the star rating value. This rating will now show up on the thumbnail for this post in homepage, blog article archive, search results etc.

Another cool thing that’s unique to Magellan is the Review summary tool. The theme has a specially made custom Visual Composer block that allows you to list all the pros and cons for the product and rate each of the aspects separately. These ratings will be animated the moment this block enters users viewport.

Create Video News

It’s very easy to embed a video in your posts and reviews. Just provide a link to the YouTube or Vimeo video you would like to embed and it will be shown in the place of post thumbnail. It’s also possible to set the videos to autoplay immidiately after opening the post.

Monetise traffic with Magellan Ads System

Magellan has extensive features that allow you to insert advertisements in header, sidebars, posts and various other places in the theme. The theme supports different types of ads in multiple sizes. It’s easier than ever to set up Google Adsense ads or to embed an iframe banner for an affiliate partner. Other advertisement networks are also supported – the theme allows you to insert any ad network script and display it on front end. You can also use regular image banners that can be linked anywhere – this can be useful for advertising products sold right there in your site (using WooCommerce e-commerce software).
The ad management system is simple but quite powerful. You can enable/disable individual ads and their locations with a singe click. Adding and rotating multiple ads is just a matter of checking couple of checkboxes. It’s also super simple to add new advertisements or remove old ads. Magellan supports the most popular ad sizes and allows besides the predefined locations like header, gallery, below posts etc. you also have access to ad widgets and visual composer blocks for adding ads to posts.

Powefull integrations with BuddyPress, bbPress and WooCommerce

Magellan supports integrations with the leading WordPress plugins. We have specifically styled WooCommerce, BuddyPress and bbPress to fit well with the theme. Now you can easily use forums, use BuddyPress social features or setup your storefront with WooCommerce


v.1.0.20 - May 23rd 2020;
* Updated bundled plugins;
v.1.0.19 - February 14th 2019;
* Updated bundled plugins;
v.1.0.18 - December 12th 2018;
* Updated bundled plugins for better WordPress 5.0 support;
v.1.0.17 - March 28th 2018;
* Fixed issue with shop sidebar;
* Updated bundled plugins; 
v.1.0.16 - January 12th 2018;
* Fixed issue with background color;
* Updated bundled plugins;
v.1.0.15 - December 4th;
* Fixed minor issues with WP 4.9 customiser;
* Updated bundled plugins;
v.1.0.14 - November 1st;
* Updated bundled plugins;
v.1.0.13 - October 10th;
* Updated bundled plugins;
* Other minor bug fixes and improvements;
v.1.0.12 - August 2nd;
* Improved twitter widget;
* Other minor bug fixes and improvements;
v.1.0.11 - July 18th;
* Updated bundled plugins;
* Fixed issue with gravatars;
v.1.0.10 - April 10th;
* Updated bundled plugins;
v.1.0.9 - March 9th;
* Updated Revolution Slider;
* Fixed issue with weather widget;
* Other minor bug fixes and improvements;
v.1.0.8 - December 13th;
* Updated Revolution Slider;
* Improved WP 4.7 compatibility;
v.1.0.7 - November 14th;
* Updated Visual Composer and Revolution Slider;
* Added additional color option - title block background and text color;
* Added filters for more simplified option overriding in child themes
* Other minor bug fixes and improvements;
v.1.0.6 - October 4th;
* Added particle background option
v.1.0.5 - September 9th;
* Updated Visual Composer;
* Fixed issue with review meta data;
* Other minor bug fixes and improvements;
v.1.0.4 - July 22nd;
* Added option to auto slide homepage slider
* Other minor bug fixes and improvements;
v1.0.3 - July 4th;
* Updated bundled Revolution Slider;
* Other minor bug fixes and improvements;
v1.0.2 - June 15th;
* Imporoved demo import and intial install process;
* Updated bundled Revolution Slider and Magellan Theme Extension plugins;
* Other minor bug fixes and improvements;
v1.0.1 - June 10th;
* Fixed and issue with demo import;
* Updated bundled Visual Composer plugin;
* Imporoved mobile device support for lightboxes;
* Other minor bug fixes and improvements

Help and Support

If you need help with this theme, please visit our support forum. Please note that we are located in Europe, so support is available only at European daytime during working days. It may take up to 48h for well detailed response to your problem.

Please note that we only provide support:

  • In case of errors in our product
  • To advise you about using our product’s features

We DO NOT have to:

  • Assist you in modifying you’re website, for example, changing colors of buttons, moving sections etc. (Since we are really nice, we usually help customers out with little and easy things anyway)
  • Create custom functionality for you (It’s like writing to Microsoft and asking for custom built version of Windows)
  • Teach you HTML, CSS or PHP coding

Gaming images used

Images seen in demo pages will not be included in the download. These are for preview purposes only. All credit goes to its respective image authors.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

