Home Best Selling WordPress Themes Peekaboo – Children WordPress Theme

Peekaboo – Children WordPress Theme

Peekaboo – Children WordPress Theme


Peekaboo is a fully responsive themes suitable for daycare or school. It’s feature rich and simple to use, designed
to give you control and
flexibility. It has all the tools you need to create a school website or small business.

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Flexible layout and works on any device (smartphones up through desktops).

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Advanced Theme Options Panel

Easy to use theme options panel. Customization your theme without any coding!

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Unlimited color scheme.

Highly Customizable Colors, Fonts and Background. This theme provides options for unlimited colors as
well as options to upload your logo, icons, and background image.

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Flexslider and Orbit slider

Fully responsive image and content slider.

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Shortcodes makes it easier to add elemetns into your pages. You can add buttons, tabs, accordion, slider,
modal window and many more with shortcodes.

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Update Notification

Get update notifications directly in your WordPres admin.

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Foundation Framework

Built based on Foundation responsive framework. Foundation comes with powerful JavaScript plugins that
will make useful interactions easier to implement across screen sizes.

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Built with Sass & Compass

Start customizing this theme the way you want. Sass and Compass make it easy to adjust theme style
globally. Visit the Compass and Sass sites to learn the basics if you don’t already know them.

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You can easily call modals without writing any JS, even spawn subsequent modals cleanly on the same page.
Reveal works across devices.

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Show off your images in style with Clearing. It’s built with simple shortcode that can be styled to your
hearts content.

Full Features List

Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 11 Fully customizable home page
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 12 “Scroll To Top” Button
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 13 Sticky navigation menu.
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 14 Thorough and detailed documentation.
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 15 Well written code.
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 16 Cross Browser Support. It support all the modern browsers including IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, and
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 17 HTML5 & CSS3 — Clean semantic markup
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 18 Typography is based on a golden ratio modular scale.
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 19 Grid Layout — works on almost any device and has support for nesting.
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 20 Custom Page Templates — Homepage, Contact Form, Testimonials, Gallery, and Full-width page.
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 21 Localization & Translation — .PO and .MO language translation files included
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 22 Logo Upload — Easy logo upload via theme options.
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 23 Background Image Upload — Upload your own custom background image.
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 24 WordPress Custom Menus — Assign custom navigation menus to the header and footer
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 25 Google Fonts integration
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 26 Responsive Vimeo and Youtube video
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 27 Custom Widgets
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 28 Breadcrumb Navigation
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 29 Google Maps Integration
Peekaboo - Children WordPress Theme - 30 Frequent theme updates to ensure optimal compatibility


Images from preview are purchased from ShutterStock. These images are not included in theme package due to
licensing restrictions.


2.13.0 (12/08/2017)

  • Add Right to Left support.
  • Fix Theme Options body font.
  • Enable comments on Pages by default.
  • Fix calendar widget and custom menu widget styling.
  • Fix breadcrumb issue.

2.12.1 (07/21/2017)

  • Make the theme compatible with WordPress 4.8.
  • Add OAuth Exception check in Twitter widget.
  • Increase minimum version for Contact Form 7 and CMB2 plugins.

2.12.0 (11/02/2016)

  • Breaking changes: Update Gallery meta box to make it repeatable and sortable. Now there is no limit on how many images user can add on Single Gallery.
  • Add LinkedIn icon support on social widget.
  • Fix WooCommerce template breadcrumb.

2.11.1 (09/06/2016)

  • Make the theme compatible with WordPress 4.6.
  • Fix SSL compatibility issue with Google Fonts.
  • Fix compatibility issue with Google Fonts.
  • Fix Latest Post widget class name conflict.
  • Replace category id field in Latest Post widget with category dropdown.
  • Fix ‘The /e modifier is deprecated’ message in Twitter widget.

2.11.0 (07/21/2016)

  • Make the theme compatible with WordPress 4.5.3.
  • Make the theme compatible with WooCommerce 2.6.3.
  • Remove Custom Post Type and Shortcode from theme. Add new WordPress plugin to generate Custom Post Type and Shortcode.
  • Update TGM Plugin Activation config.
  • Update CMB2 plugin.

2.10.0 (12/18/2015)

  • Make the theme compatible with WordPress 4.4.
  • Update theme text domain
  • Add wp_title filter
  • Remove all hard coded URL in the theme
  • Make the theme more compatible with Woocommerce. Add some styling for default Woocommerce pages
  • Move Google Analytics code to header instead of footer
  • Fix layout issue on Featured Post module caused by sticky post
  • Replace WP_Widget constructor method with __construct
  • Move all assets(css, js, and fonts) into assets directory
  • Remove bower_components from theme, vendor scripts are concatenated into one file

2.9 (05/11/2015)

  • Fix topbar color issue.
  • Fix gallery to make it compatible with the latest isotope.
  • Add Instagram icon to social widget.
  • Files changed:
    1. incl/widgets/widget-social.php
    2. Gruntfile.js
    3. bower_components/imagesloaded
    4. bower_components/venobox
    5. js/init.js
    6. lib/clean.php
    7. scss/
    8. css/
    9. style.css

2.8 (04/17/2015)

  • Replace Foundation modal window (Reveal) with Venobox.
  • Update Zurb Foundation to version 5.5.1
  • Add Woocommerce support.
  • Update .po file.
  • Files changed:
    1. lang/default.po
    2. functions.php
    3. woocommerce.php
    4. bower_components/
    5. bower.json
    6. footer.php
    7. incl/widgets/widget-contact.php
    8. incl/widgets/widget-map.php
    9. js/init.js
    10. lib/clean.php
    11. lib/enqueue-style.php
    12. css/
    13. style.css

2.7 (02/02/2015)

  • Remove unnecessary generated thumbnail image.
  • Update Zurb Foundation to version 5.5.
  • Configure Grunt.
  • Files changed: Gruntfile.js, bower.json, bower_components/, package.json, css/,
    scss/pages/_home.scss, and style.css

2.6 (12/10/2014)

  • Fix galery page issue where the thumbnail display the wrong image.
  • Fix child theme path.
  • Fix homepage featured post query.
  • Files changed: inclcommon-functions.php, inclpost-typesgallery-post-type.php, single-gallery.php,
    libenqueue-style.php, inclmodsmod-post.php, and style.css

2.5 (9/15/2014)

  • Fix modal window issue on IOs.
  • Update child theme path
  • Files changed: incl/widgets/widget-contact.php, incl/mods/mod-post.php, lib/enqueque-style.php, jsinit.js,
    css, scss, and style.css

2.4 (8/16/2014)

  • Update Foundation framework to to Foundation 5.
  • Fix Google Maps issue on widgets.

