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Multiple Event & Conference

Multiple Event & Conference


WordPress event theme

WordPress event theme

WordPress event theme

WordPress event theme

WordPress event listing theme

WordPress events search theme

WordPress event ticket sales theme

WordPress event theme

WordPress event theme

WordPress speaker theme

WordPress google maps theme

WordPress events calendar theme

WordPress google street view theme

WordPress venue theme

WordPress event theme

WordPress event importer theme

WordPress event theme

WordPress event user frontend theme

WordPress event theme

WordPress event theme

WordPress header footer

WordPress one page theme

WordPress label theme

WordPress membership theme

WordPress sponsors theme

WordPress galleries theme

WordPress event rtl theme

WordPress dark theme

WordPress template studio

WordPress gdpr theme

WordPress event blog theme

WordPress event theme gutenberg

WordPress event theme translation

WordPress event theme features

WordPress theme support

WordPress Event Theme

Eventchamp is a multiple WordPress event theme and conference theme. Eventchamp is suitable for event listing, conference, event, congresses, convention, activity, exhibition, meetup, organization, seminar, summit, ticket and workshop sites. Eventchamp have event search system, event listing, event management, venue management, speaker management, schedule management and many features. You can sell tickets with online and offline payment methods. More than 90+ payment methods are exist in Eventchamp WordPress conference theme. Those payment methods comes with WooCommerce plugin so your site will compatible with WooCommerce.

Eventchamp comes with many features, demos, elements and layouts. Advanced theme options panel and WPBakery page builder is exist in Eventchamp WordPress event listing theme. You can edit the pages with drag and drop method also you can customize the theme with theme options panel. Example: Colors, fonts, layouts, post styles, loader, event management etc. You can use the theme with one page or multi page. The theme have Google Street View, peoples can wander you event area on your site! Event counter, sponsor management, bbPress integration, blog system and other features.

We can only list some features here because many features are exist, you can check demo of the Eventchamp WordPress events theme. Finally, do you search a quality WordPress event listing theme? Eventchamp is here for WordPress event and conference sites!


  • Advanced Theme Customizer
  • WPBakery Page Builder
  • Gutenberg Compatibility
  • Onepage and Multipage Layouts
  • Event & Venue Listing
  • Event Management
  • Event Builder
  • WooCommerce Integration
  • Events Importer: Facebook, Eventbrite, Meetup, Google Calendar, iCal and XML
  • Online Multiple Ticket Sales
  • Offline Ticket Sales & Reservation
  • External Ticket Integrations: Eventbrite, Meetup, Facebook, Google Calendar, iCal, Spotify, All Events Services and External Links
  • Venue Management
  • Payment Gateways
  • Events Calendar
  • Schedule Management
  • Speaker Management
  • Sponsor Management
  • Category Management
  • Organizer Management
  • Location Management
  • Tags Management
  • Event Counter
  • Google Street View & 3D Tour
  • Advanced Event Search System
  • Event Repeater
  • Events Filter Options
  • bbPress Integration
  • Events Slider
  • Countdown Slider
  • Revolution Slider
  • Template Studio
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Events Map
  • Taxonomies Filters
  • Google Maps Integration
  • Image & Video Galleries
  • Like and Favorite System
  • Sponsors Module
  • Typography Options
  • Light & Dark Skins
  • Styling & Color Options
  • Header & Footer Customizer
  • Membership System
  • User Frontend Publisher
  • User Login & Register System
  • Blog Options
  • Favicon Options
  • Quantity Chooser for Tickets
  • Advertisement Options
  • RTL & LTR Support
  • Social Media Options
  • Translation Ready
  • Multilingual Compatibility; WPML and Polylang
  • Loader Options
  • Custom Post Type and Taxonomy Creator
  • 100% Responsive Design
  • SEO Friendly
  • Contact Form Integrations
  • MailChimp Integration
  • InstantClick Integration
  • Datepicker Integration
  • Label Support
  • Special Colors for Event Categories
  • Service Box
  • Feature Box
  • GDPR Compatibility
  • Cookie Bar Integration
  • Child Theme
  • Widgets & Sidebars
  • One Click Installation
  • Navigation Options
  • Layouts & Elements
  • Boxed Layout Design
  • Password Protected System
  • Custom Admin Columns Support
  • Adaptive Images System
  • Dynamic Image Sizing
  • Optimized Codes
  • Comment System
  • Lazy Loading Support
  • Fancybox Support
  • Theme Updates
  • Support & Online Documentation
  • Cross Browser Compatibility
  • 404 Page


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WordPress Themes


May 12, 2020 - 1.9.7 
Updated: Language file.
Updated: Child theme updated.
Solved: All Events text problem solved on the categorized events.

May 07, 2020 - v1.9.6
Updated: Template studio updated.

May 06, 2020 - v1.9.5
Added: Envato Market plugin for the theme updates on the admin panel.
Updated: Language file updated.

May 06, 2020 - v1.9.4
Added: Auto update system added for Eventchamp Elements, WPBakery Page Builder and Revolution Slider plugins.
Updated: Lazy loading updated.
Updated: Template studio updated.
Solved: Event search bug solved when using speaker and venue.

April 25, 2020 - v1.9.3
Updated: WPBakery Page Builder updated.
Updated: .POT language file updated.
Solved: Post tag problem solved.
Solved: Post listing problem solved on event, speaker and venue taxonomies.
Solved: Minor PHP bug solved when activation the theme.
Solved: Minor design bugs solved.

April 19, 2020 - v1.9.2
Updated: Dark theme updated.
Solved: Minor responsive bugs solved.

April 16, 2020 - v1.9.1
Updated: Child theme updated.
Solved: Eventchamp Elements plugin problem solved when using child theme.
Solved: Minor JS bug solved.

April 15, 2020 - v1.9.0
Added: Two new homepage addded.
Added: New page examples added.
Added: Lazy loading support added.
Added: Order option added for event taxonomies via the Event Search widget.
Added: Fancybox Lightbox  support added instead of PrettyPhoto.
Added: Advanced lightbox customizer added to the theme options.
Added: Add to Calendar function added for Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, Yahoo Calendar, Apple Calendar, ICS Export.
Added: Multiple event repeater function added.
Added: Added feature to show the event repeater dates on the event details.
Added: Added feature to show the event labels on the event details.
Added: When the "Buy Ticket" button is clicked on the slider, the opening feature of the ticket section added.
Added: Map feature added for the venues.
Added: SVG support added for the elements.
Added: Align options added for the service box.
Added: Style 2 feature added for the service box.
Added: Align options added for the testimonials.
Added: Visual editor support for list item textareas on the admin panel.
Added: Ticket amount and start time field added for the event search results.
Added: Order type feature added for the event archives.
Added: Order type feature added for the categorized events element.
Added: Order type feature added for the organizers element.
Added: Order type feature added for the tags element.
Added: Order type feature added for the categories element.
Added: Added an option to show expired events for the event listing, event carousel and categorized events.
Added: Category feature added for the speakers.
Added: Categorized speakers element added.
Added: Categorized venues element added.
Added: Count feature added for the shop cart.
Added: Cart support added for the sticky header.
Added: Added the feature to show search results on the events map.
Added: New image gallery element added for the page builder.
Added: New style added for the events calendar element.
Added: New column options added for the elements.
Updated: RTL files updated.
Updated: Dark skin updated.
Updated: Social media icons updated.
Updated: Font Awesome library updated.
Updated: Title attribute from links.
Updated: Design improvements were made.
Updated: WPBakery Page Builder updated.
Updated: Revolution Slider updated.
Updated: Fullcalendar updated.
Solved: The error solved on Eventchamp Elements plugin.
Solved: Minor bugs solved on RTL version.
Solved: Order problem solved on the event search results.
Solved: The order by event time problem solved.
Solved: Responsive problem solved on my account page.
Solved: The problem of selling tickets with the contact form solved.
Solved: Color chooser problem solved for the event categories.
Solved: Hidding the event status problem solved on the event details.
Solved: Venue website details added to the venue details box.
Solved: Venue details box customizer added to the theme options.

November 25, 2019 - v1.8.9
Solved: Minor event search issue solved comes with WordPress 5.3.

October 02, 2019 - v1.8.8
Added: Cluster feature added for the events map. 
Added: Event repeater system included into the theme. Functionally and easy to use an event repeater system.
Added: Close icon added for the popups of the events map element.
Added: Link support added for email, phone and fax fields on the event, the venue and speaker post types.
Added: Cart support added for the header.
Added: Responsive controller added to the theme options panel.
Added: New two cookie bar styles added.
Added: Srcset attribute added for the site logos.
Updated: Cookie and GDPR support updated for the comments form.
Updated: WPBakery Page Builder updated.
Solved: The page title bar problem solved when using the header style 2, 4 and 6.
Solved: Appearing problem of the expired events solved on the events carousel element.
Solved: Custom taxonomy appearing problem solved on custom post types.
Solved: Empty meta problems solved on the admin columns.
Solved: Solved issue where flex menu do not close.

June 27, 2019 - v1.8.7
Solved: Taxonomy chooser problem solved on the post types.
Solved: Custom label customizer problem solved.
Solved: Minor bugs solved.

June 16, 2019 - v1.8.6
Added: Flex Menu controller added.
Added: New password protected system added.
Added: Cookie Bar support added. 
Added: Month and year types for the Events Calendar.
Added: Admin columns support added to the events. This fields added: Status, venue, start date, start time, end date, end time, price.
Added: Admin columns support added to the speakers. This fields added: Profession, company.
Added: Show count support added to the Categories element.
Added: Show count support added to the Tags element.
Added: Show count support added to the Organizers element.
Added: Sub categories support added to the Categories element.
Added: Sub categories support added to the Tags element.
Added: Sub categories support added to the Organizers element.
Added: Gutenberg editor support added.
Added: Contact form support added to single events.
Added: Taxonomy and post type creator added.
Added: Pagination style selector added.
Added: Multiple venues support added to the events. (If will not appear venue of your events, re-add venue for your events.)
Added: Events of the speakers system added to the speaker details.
Added: Tags taxonomy for the speaker post type.
Added: Related speaker system added.
Added: Venue feature added to event search tool.
Added: Speaker feature added to event search tool.
Added: Like system added for events, speakers and venues.
Added: Favorite system added for events, speakers and venues.
Added: User Activity element added. You can create a page for users can follow their activity.
Added: Eventchamp Slider element added. You can create new custom sliders with this element.
Added: New background options added for the page builder rows.
Added: Background design options and text align options added for the page builder row's columns.
Added: Order by include IDs option added.
Added: GDPR compatibility added.
Updated: Function of the page title updated.
Updated: Controls of PHP functions updated.
Updated: Rem and px values updated for font-size and line-height.
Updated: WPBakery Page Builder updated.
Updated: Revolution Slider updated.
Updated: Dark design updated.
Solved: Date problem for list version of the Events Calendar.
Solved: Map cursor dragging problem solved.
Solved: Sticky content problem solved on the page builder elements.
Solved: The datepicker design problem is solved. (This problem happen when WP User Frontend plugin active.)
Solved: Event style chooser problem solved for the single venue pages.
Solved: Minor bugs solved on the RTL design.
Solved: Countdown Slider responsive problem solved on mobile phones.
Solved: Mobil menu and mobile header logo problem solved.
Solved: Quotes icon problem solved on the events calendar.
Solved: Extra sidebar boxes showing problem solved on the speaker.
Solved: Sponsor hidding problem solved on the events.
Solved: Showing of the expired events problem solved.
Solved: Custom marker icon problem solved on Google Maps and Events Map elements.
Solved: Header menu font customizer problem solved.
Solved: Event start time and end time format changing problem solved.
Solved: Minor bugs solved on RTL design.

January 20, 2019 - v1.8.5
Solved: Style chooser problem solved for Related Events module.
Solved: Ticket price problem solved on external events.

January 18, 2019 - v1.8.4
Added: Month and year types added for the Events Calendar.
Solved: Header menu location problem solved.
Solved: Minor bugs solved on the Box Layout Design.
Solved: Date problem solved for list version of the Events Calendar.
Updated: Dark skin updated.

December 30, 2018 - v1.8.3
Solved: Minor bugs solved on the event search results.

December 23, 2018 - v1.8.2
Added: Dark skin added.
Updated: Event calendar updated.

December 19, 2018 - v1.8.1
Added: RTL support added.
Added: InstantClick function added.
Added: Color customizer for the sticky header.
Updated: Background customizer updated for the footer and the page title bar.
Updated: Text logo updated.
Updated: CSS and JS files re-optimized.
Solved: Price problem on event tickets.

December 15, 2018 - v1.8
Important Note: We added an advanced tabs and section creator. If you can't see event tabs after the update, you can create the tabs from the 'Tabs and Sections' field on the event detail.

Added: Tags taxonomy for the venues.
Added: Datepicker customization panel added to the 'Theme Options'.
Added: The user box customizer panel added. You can add new buttons or remove exist buttons to the user box on the header.
Added: 'My Tickets' and 'My Accounts' buttons added to the user box.
Added: Header logo activator/deactivator added.
Added: Advanced customizer options added for the page title bar.
Added: Language switcher added to the header. You can use 'WPML' or 'Polylang' plugins for the multilingual web site.
Added: Sub terms support added for the categories and the location on the 'Event Search Tool'. Max two depth.
Added: Organizer option added to the 'Event Search Tool' element. You can filter events by organizers.
Added: Column chooser added to the 'Event Search Tool' element.
Added: Include and exclude filters added to the 'Event Search Tool' element.
Added: Custom search title option added to the 'Event Search Tool' element.
Added: New four style added for the 'Event Search Tool' element. (Slider background and basic version)
Added: New slider options added for the 'Events Slider' element. (Column, slider translation options, opacity, new design options etc.)
Added: New slider options added for the 'Countdown Slider' element. (Column, slider translation options, opacity, new design options, new styles etc.)
Added: 'Nav Links', 'Editable', 'Date Title Format', 'Height', 'Current Dates Controller' options added for the 'Events Calendar' element.
Added: Delay and time options added for the Counter element.
Added: Label function added to the event listing.
Added: Category colors added for the event categories.
Added: Multiple categories control added to the 'Theme Settings' for the event listing.
Added: New single event header creator. You can use slider, grid gallery, video, audio, code or image for the event header.
Added: 'Event Detail Box' customizer added.
Added: 'Extra Event Details' function added. You can create unlimited details for the event detail list.
Added: 'Fax' option added for the event details.
Added: New sponsor listing system added.
Added: New sponsor listing styles added. 
Added: WhatsApp, VK and email sharing buttons added.
Added: Seven button styles added to the social sharing.
Added: Four tag listing styles added for events, venues and posts.
Added: Position chooser added for the social sharing and tag listing. You can show them under the content or on the slider.
Added: Tab order and customizer added for the event. You can order or activate/deactive the tabs.
Added: Content type chooser added for the event details. You can use the events with tabs or section listing.
Added: 'Profile Photo', 'Short Biography' and 'Website' fields added to the speakers post type.
Added: 'Events of the Speaker' field to single speaker pages.
Added: Eight speaker style added for the speaker listing.
Added: Speaker listing customizer added. You can choose 'Style', 'Column', 'Column Space' and 'Speaker Details' for the speaker listing.
Added: Shortcode and HTML support added for the FAQ.
Added: Seven schedule design added.
Added: Grouped and list versions added for the schedule listing.
Added: New ticket system added. You should recreate your tickets after the update.
Added: Seven ticket style added.
Added: Eventbrite. Meetup and external link integrations added for the event tickets.
Added: Quantity chooser added for the WooCommerce tickets.
Added: Button title and target chooser added for the event tickets.
Added: Quantity chooser added for ticket prices.
Added: Subtitle, active style, manual price, manual quantity etc. settings added to the ticket tables.
Added: Extra Sidebar Boxes function added. You can add custom boxes for speakers, events and venues.
Added: Extra Sidebar Buttons function added for speakers, events and venues.
Added: Extra Venue Details field added. You can create unlimited details for the venues.
Added: Website and fax options added to the venues.
Added: Venue Header added to the venues. You can create advanced headers for the venues.
Added: Photos section for the venue.
Added: New Google Maps system added. You can customize the map with 13 styles and control options.
Added: Taxonomy filter added to the events on the admin panel.
Added: Event, venue and speaker style chooser added for the post type and taxonomy archives.
Added: Background position, attachment control, text align controllers added for the row element.
Added: Overflow settings control added for the row element.
Added: Events Map element added. You can show your events on the map.
Added: Feature Box element added.
Added: Sponsors element added.
Added: New background controller added for the row element.
Added: Style alternatives and align option for the button elements.
Added: Tag listing element added.
Added: Category listing element added.
Added: New options added for the Get an Event Content element.
Added: New FAQ element added.
Added: New 4 header style added.
Added: Countdown element added to the page builder.
Added: White version (Style 2) added to the footer.
Added: Keep Search Options option added. You can keep event filter options.
Added: Taxonomy order options added for the Event Search Tool element.
Added: Searching with price option added to the Event Search Tool element.
Added: Ticket amount info added to the event listing elements.
Added: New customization options added for free events.
Added: An option added for you can hide expired events from the archives.
Added: Event start time option added to the event listing elements.
Added: Organizers listing element added.
Added: Attendees count added for the events. You can show this info on the event details.
Added: New styles and options added for the event and venue speakers.
Added: Event search widget added.
Added: Excerpt length chooser added.
Added: Social listing element added to the page builder.
Added: New Google Maps element added to the page builder.
Added: New color options added.
Added: Revolution Slider added as an option.
Added: Template Studio added. You can create page clones from the demo content.
Updated: Sticky header.
Updated: Login and register popup design.
Updated: No content page updated.
Updated: 404 page design updated.
Updated: The Event Calendar updated for the mobile view.
Updated: Text and sentences updated.
Updated: Extra sidebar buttons system renewed. You can create buttons for each event and all events.
Updated: The design of the datepicker updated.
Updated: Renewed the breadcrumbs system updated. The theme comes with own breadcrumb function. Also if you want, you can use 'Breadcrumb NavXT' or 'Yoast SEO Breadcrumb'.
Updated: Swiper version updated.
Updated: All CSS and JS files updated. Renewed main theme css files and JS files.
Updated: Many HTML and CSS structure rewritten.
Updated: CSS grid structure renewed.
Updated: Social links system updated. You can re-create your social media links on 'Theme Settings' and on the post types.
Updated: Design of the single event pages updated.
Updated: Container width changed. New width: 1200px.
Solved: Mobile menu problem solved for the one page.
Solved: Hiding the header problem solved on mobile phones.
Solved: Post type listing problem solved when you click on a taxonomy from a listing element.
Solved: CSS problem solved on the ticket table.
Solved: Event search with start or end date problem solved.
Solved: Index problem on the date picker solved.
Solved: Autocomplate on the date picker solved.
Solved: Event search with dates problem solved.
Solved: Variable product problem solved.
Solved: Image Carousel problem solved when the Categorized Events element active.
Removed: 'The Slider with Search Tool' element removed. You can find this option on the 'Event Search Tool' element.
Removed: 'Extra Tab 1 Title', 'Extra Tab 1 Content', 'Extra Tab 2 Title' and 'Extra Tab 2 Content' inputs removed. You can create extra tabs from the 'Tabs and Sections' field.
Removed: 'Default Open Tab' option removed. You can order the tabs from the 'Tabs and Sections' field.
Removed: 'Location' and 'Organizer' options removed from 'Contact' tab in single events. You can choose these from the taxonomy fields.
Removed: plyr.io removed from the theme. 'Video / Audio Player' element removed, you can use other elements.

July 03, 2018 - v1.7.4
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder.

Jun 21, 2018 - v1.7.3
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder.
- Added: Custom page banner option for speakers and venues.

May 27, 2018 - v1.7.2
- Updated: WooCommerce design.

May 11, 2018 – v1.7.1
- Added: Default date for the event calendar.
- Added: First day for the event calendar.
- Added: Custom date format option for the event search tool.
- Added: Custom title background for the events.
- Added: Custom register & login URL for the user box.
- Added: Status control on Event Search Tool element.
- Added: Event status for the event details.
- Added: Title of the elements when view on page builder.
- Updated: Demo content.
- Fixed: The event calendar translation problem.
- Fixed: Special characters problem on the event calendar.
- Fixed: The error in events after activation the theme.
- Fixed: Bugs on the expired events. Note: We added a expiry date field for the events. You can enter a date for hide date of the event from this field.
- Fixed: Text design of "There are no results that match your search." in the event search results.

April 27, 2018 – v1.7
- Updated: Date format in the schedules.

April 06, 2018 – v1.6.9
- Updated: Event Counter element.

March 06, 2018 – v1.6.8
- Fixed: Default open tab for the event singles.

March 06, 2018 – v1.6.7
- Updated: CSS files.

March 06, 2018 – v1.6.6
- Updated: Demo content.
- Updated: CSS files.

March 05, 2018 – v1.6.5
- Added: One Click Demo Importer.
- Fixed: Activation errors.

February 25, 2018 – v1.6.4
- Updated: Icons on the featured posts.
- Fixed: HTML bug on Testimonial element.

February 24, 2018 – v1.6.3
- Fixed: Activation errors.

February 24, 2018 – v1.6.2
- Updated: The icons.
- Updated: Responsive design.

February 23, 2018 – v1.6.1
- Updated: Demo content.
- Updated: The icons.
- Updated: The header.

February 23, 2018 – v1.6
- Added: New version of FontAwesome. Icon using system changed. New system: fab fa-wordpress-simple, fas fa-map-marker-alt. Icon list: https://goo.gl/vdPEsc
- Added: New include & exclude taxonomies options for the event listing and the search elements.
- Added: New event order options for the event listing elements.
- Added: New options for Event Search Tool element.
- Added: New search result system. We changed code core of Event Search Results element. It works more stable right now!
- Added: Venue detail add in the event listing elements.
- Added: “Showing” event status.
- Added: Empty Taxonomies and Childless options for event listing elements, event calendar and Event Search Tool.
- Added: Event list styles alternatives for Event Search Results and Event Carousel elements.
- Added: Align options for Title element.
- Added: Column options for Event Search Results and Categorized Events elements. You should re-choose column option on the elements.
- Added: Showing status instead of Incoming status.
- Added: Speaker column option added for one page events.
- Added: New include & exclude taxonomies options for venue listing elements.
- Added: Post styles for Blog Carousel.
- Added: New include & exclude taxonomies options for Events Calendar element.
- Added: Include & exclude events options for Events Calendar element.
- Added: New event calendar options. (List, week version etc.)
- Added: Box layout options for pages in the page settings.
- Added: Custom page background option.
- Added: Box layout option in theme settings. You can change layout system in theme settings panel.
- Added: Unlimited extra tab options.
- Added: Unlimited extra sidebar button for the event details.
- Added: Social share feature for the event details.
- Added: Multiple organizer list for the boxes of the event details.
- Added: Comments feature for the event details.
- Added: Style chooser added for the related events.
- Updated: Library of all scripts.
Updated Description texts updated in the elements and theme options panel.
- Updated: Event List element.
- Updated: Event listing elements.
- Updated: Breadcrumb.
- Updated: HTML structure.
- Updated: CSS3 structure.
- Updated: Design of the speakers.
- Updated: Design of the schedule.
- Updated: Design of the price list.
- Updated: Design of WooCommerce.
- Updated: Demo content.
- Updated: Layout design. Default wrapper color changed. You can change it on Theme Options or Page Settings.
- Updated: Contact form system in event details. If you use contact form in event details, you should update your contact form shortcode from Theme Settings > Events panel.
- Updated: WooCommerce files.
- Fixed: Link title problem on social links.
- Fixed: Include & exclude events problem on Event Carousel element.
- Fixed: Empty category problem in Categorized Events element.
- Fixed: “p” tag problem in author box.
- Fixed: Long listing problem on dropdown.
- Fixed: Container problems. Container class isn’t required on page builder elements.
- Fixed: Sidebar problem in speaker and venue details.

January 30, 2018 – v1.5.1
- Fixed: Speakers in the schedules.

December 12, 2017 – v1.5
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder.
- Updated: Breadcrumbs.
- Updated: Documentation files.

December 12, 2017 – v1.5
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder.
- Updated: Breadcrumbs.

December 12, 2017 – v1.5
- Fixed: Visible problem of the expired events.

December 11, 2017 – v1.4.9
- Fixed: Visible problem of the expired events.

December 05, 2017 – v1.4.8
- Fixed: The problems on PHP 7.x. 

November 23, 2017 – v1.4.7
- Fixed: Color picker problem in Theme Settings.

November 23, 2017 – v1.4.6
- Added: Shortcode support for extra tabs in the events.

November 19, 2017 – v1.4.5
- Updated: Visible problem of the expired events.
- Updated: The date counter of the events.

November 17, 2017 – v1.4.4
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder.
- Added: Background selector for Event Search Tool element.

November 16, 2017 – v1.4.3
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder.
- Fixed: PHP version errors.

November 11, 2017 – v1.4.2
- Fixed: Theme activation problem.

November 08, 2017 – v1.4.1
- Updated: The date counter of the events.

November 08, 2017 – v1.4
- Added: Social login.
- Added: Manual height option for the sliders.
- Added: Hide event status option for all site.
- Added: Description row for the categories.
- Added: The arrows for Events Slider element.
- Added: Search with tag for Event Search Tool element.
- Added: Automatic language translation for the event calendar.
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder.
- Updated: Fixed header.
- Fixed: PHP errors when theme activation.

September 27, 2017 – v1.3.9
- Added: HTML support for copyright text.
- Added: Background image chooser for the footer.

September 27, 2017 – v1.3.8
- Updated: The background of the page banners.

September 22, 2017 – v1.3.7
- Added: Hour, minute and second for Event Counter element.

September 21, 2017 – v1.3.6
- Updated: Categorized Events element.

September 18, 2017 – v1.3.5
- Updated: Theme translation file.
- Updated: Slider pagination for Events Slider element.
- Updated: Speakers on the schedules.
- Updated: Not found text for the event search.
- Added: New version of FontAwesome.

September 06, 2017 – v1.3.4
- Updated: Theme translation file.
- Added: Include and exclude event categories for the page builder elements.

September 06, 2017 – v1.3.3
- Updated: Custom CSS & Custom JS Codes.

September 05, 2017 – v1.3.2
- Updated: Theme translation file.

September 03, 2017 – v1.3.1
- Added: New version of FontAwesome.

September 03, 2017 – v1.3
- Added: Event Calendar system.
- Added: Wedding homepage demo.
- Added: Full Slider homepage demo.
- Added: Boxed layout.
- Added: Showing status for the events.
- Added: Event, speaker and venue widgest.
- Added: Expired events for the page builder elements.
- Added: Speaker detail for the schedules.
- Added: Autoplay and loop for Testimonial element.
- Added: Default open tab option for the event details.
- Added: Custom sidebar for venue, speaker and venue details.
- Added: End date for Events Slider element.
- Added: Disable featured image gallery option for event, speaker and venue details. You can use gallery or image. Also you can hide completely.
- Added: Custom button for the sidebar of the event detail.
- Added: Footer logo on / off option.
- Added: Top margin option for menu.
- Added: New loaders.
- Added: New theme options on Theme Settings.
- Added: Related events and related venues.
- Added: All tabs option for Categorized Events element.
- Added: Custom image for event, speaker and venue details.
- Added: New event list designs for event listing elements.
- Added: Column, autoplay and loop options for Event Carousel element.
- Added: Column, autoplay and loop options for Venue Carousel element.
- Added: Column, autoplay and loop options for Blog Carousel element.
- Added: Column and style options for Event List element.
- Added: Column and style options for Categorized Events element.
- Added: Loop and autoplay options for Latest Event Slider element.
- Added: Loop and autoplay options for Event Counter Slider element.
- Added: Slider with Search Tool element.
- Added: Featured image controller for pages.
- Added: New version of FontAwesome.
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder.
- Updated: PHP date format.
- Updated: Menu links on mobile menu.
- Updated: Title on the sliders.
- Fixed: PHP version bugs.

August 07, 2017 – v1.2.8
- Fixed: PHP bugs.

August 04, 2017 – v1.2.7
- Updated: Modal Button element.

August 03, 2017 – v1.2.6
- Updated: Custom fields for the post types.

August 02, 2017 – v1.2.5
- Updated: Event Carousel element.

July 08, 2017 – v1.2.4
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder.
- Updated: Event Search Tool element.

July 04, 2017 – v1.2.3
- Added: Icon for Counter Slider element.
- Added: Speaker List element.
- Updated: The buttons for Counter Slider element.

June 28, 2017 – v1.2.2
- Added: Sort by (Publish date, event date and name) and query type (ASC or DESC) for 
Event List element.
- Updated: Location, event tag and organizator list.
- Updated: Breadcrumb and archive titles.
- Updated: Theme translation file.
- Fixed: Lightbox for WooCommerce.
- Fixed: The event status on the event search.

June 20, 2017 – v1.2.1
- Updated: The buttons of the slider on mobile.

June 14, 2017 – v1.2
- Added: Custom extra tabs for the events.
- Added: Image gallery tab for the events.
- Added: Start date and end date options for the Event Search Tool.
- Added: Custom breadcrumb background for each page.
- Added: External link for the price tables.
- Added: Column select for the price tables.
- Added: Related events for the venue details.
- Added: HTML support for the schedules.
- Added: Link support for the service boxes.
- Added: Icon List element for the page builder.
- Added: Media (Video and audio) element for the page builder.
- Added: FAQ page.
- Added: Page Example 3 page.
- Added: Gallery page.
- Updated: About page.
- Updated: Text and target for the buttons.
- Fixed: The buttons on the slider.

May 16, 2017 – v1.1.6
- Fixed: The problems on PHP 5.x. 

May 15, 2017 – v1.1.5
- Added: HTML support for the FAQ.
- Fixed: The problems on PHP 5.x. 
- Fixed: The activation errors.

May 03, 2017 – v1.1.4
- Updated: Date and time fomats.

May 01, 2017 – v1.1.3
- Added: LinkedIn and GitHub links for social media.
- Updated: Theme translation file.

April 27, 2017 – v1.1.2
- Added: Custom date format for the event details.

April 20, 2017 – v1.1.1
- Updated: Theme translation file.
- Fixed: Word and sentence bugs.

April 19, 2017 – v1.1
- Added: PHP 7 support.
- Added: Custom page title background.
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder.
- Updated: Documentation files.
- Updated: Theme translation file.

