Home WordPress Themes Nerdy: A WordPress Blog Theme

Nerdy: A WordPress Blog Theme

Nerdy: A WordPress Blog Theme


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Full of features…

Portfolio Layouts

Showcasing your work has never been easier. You can show wide width images and videos within a slider, stacked or even via a lightbox. On top of that, you control whether the content goes above or below your work. With this theme it really is all about the work.

Homepage Layouts

With 3 main homepage layouts for your portfolio, you can show a wall of work, text and a small image or wide width images.

All post formats supported

Aside, audio, video, gallery, image, status, chat, link, quote, standard – we support them all in this theme.

Unlimited Color Options

You can control colours for the entire theme using our easy to use options panel.

More fonts than you can shake a stick at

Google fonts, Typekit fonts, Adobe Edge fonts, standard fonts – these are all built in and easy to setup, just follow the inline help.

Pushy Fonts

Full feature list

  • New: Gutenberg / WordPress 5 editor support
  • New: Enable Comments on Portfolio single pages
  • Add a site wide header image to sit behind your logo/website title
  • Jetpack Infinite Scroll support on index/archive/author/search
  • New Twitter oAuth API support
  • Fully fluid design, which goes up to 1680x wide!
  • Built mobile first, for speed with IE fallback
  • 11 Page/Single/Custom post type templates
  • Unlimited Portfolio pages
  • Unlimited Blog pages
  • All templates are HTML5 compliant
  • Child theme supplied
  • Portfolio custom post type with gallery functionality built in for video + images. You also don’t have to use the flexslider, turn this off per portfolio item for a stacked layout. Portfolio post type also comes with a lightbox option too!
  • Client logos custom post type, you can switch these on/off on any post or page
  • Show/Hide Sidebar on any default page individually
  • Full control of colours and font sizes and fonts
  • General template text translatable via Theme Options
  • Minified JavaScript files for increased performance, we provide un-compressed versions of the 2 core files if you want to tweak functionality.
  • Google Analytics
  • Show/hide tagline
  • Show/hide author information
  • Show/Hide social icons in footer
  • Turn sharing on/off across posts, pages, portfolio
  • Share via twitter including your username
  • On/off truncation for long links in comments
  • Turn off “archives” text block
  • On/off widgets in footer
  • White/Black social icons
  • Show/Hide footer credit
  • Set width for mobile menu to kick in
  • Hide/show page menu
  • Widget areas for Archive & Single, Page, Contact & Blog templates
  • Custom Video widget
  • Custom Twitter oAuth API 1.1 Widget
  • Disable featured images on gallery posts
  • Disable featured images on all posts
  • Hide read more on blog
  • Plain text logo option
  • Logo upload
  • Retina logo upload
  • Apple touch icon upload
  • Favicon upload
  • Tiled background
  • Full size cover background
  • Turn on slideshow for blog galleries
  • Set interval for blog galleries
  • Set amount of portfolio items for portfolio template to show before pagination
  • Contact form email address
  • Google API v3 Maps support (you’ll need to sign up for a key)
  • Google pin upload
  • Built-in contact form
  • Contact 7 Form support and styling built-in
  • Custom lightbox to convert standard WordPress gallery
  • Localisation support with provided .mo and .po files
  • Custom Menu
  • Featured image support
  • Drop down menus
  • Shortcodes
  • Shortcodes for social icons including: Twitter, App.net, Facebook, Linked In, Google+, Zerply, Vimeo, YouTube, Pinterest, Dribbble, Github, Instagram, Flickr, Behance, RSS
  • Shortcode for quotes including quote source and ratings
  • Automatic Theme updates (from within WordPress)
  • Fully responsive (optimised for iPad and iPhone with retina graphics)
  • Extensive documentation

Did we mention, we love support?

We want to make sure you are happy with your purchase, if you have a question about how to do something or think you have found a bug, head over to our support system and we’ll get back in touch.

MeanThemes Support

Update History

## Version 1.4.0
- Move theme options to Customizer. **Please go to Appearance > Customize. All your previous settings will be automatically imported ;)**
- WordPress 5.1 update.
- Add Gutenberg support.
- Update TGM Plugin Activation
- Update footer copyright year to display current year automatically.
- Removal of custom post types as they are now in the MeanThemes Tools plugin (please install MeanThemes Tools plugin - you will be prompted to install once the Theme Update completes).
- Removal of Google Analytics settings as they are now in the MeanThemes Tools plugin (please update MeanThemes Tools to 3.1.0+ - you will be prompted to update once the Theme Update completes).
- Small tweaks.
- Updated documentation.

## Version 1.3.2
- Tweak: URL update as we've moved the demo to a new URL.
- Tweak: Updated any generic functions to Framework specific ones.

## Version 1.3.1
- Fix: For duplicate function causing compatibility in WordPress 4.6.
- Tweak: Replaced deprecated add_object call.

## Version 1.3.0
- Fix for header height not computing the right margin for the content. WordPress 4.2 Updates.

## Version 1.2.9
- Fix for WP caption width.
- Updated documentation.
- Fixed XSS vulnerability in Multiposts thumbnail plugin include.
- Removed WP updates plugin due to lack of third party developer support and potential XSS vulnerability. [Read more on this blog post about the new update process](http://www.meanthemes.com/2015/04/21/installing-theme-updates/).

## Version 1.2.8
- Update for Portfolio filter template so it shows all (999) portfolio items as some people are adding over 99 portfolio items :).

## Version 1.2.7
- Fix for wrapper animation fade opacity for mobile + IE.
- Updated admin icons for post types and settings.

## Version 1.2.6
- Fix for oEmbeds in post editor not displaying properly (you may need to refresh once for the new editor CSS to kick in).
- WordPress 4.1 Upates.
- Tweak to CSS wrapper animation fade.

## Version 1.2.5
- New option: Disable standard lightbox from Theme Options > General settings.
- Fix for latest Chrome bug on Android hiding content.
- Updated MeanMenu mobile menu.
- Updated language files.

## Version 1.2.4
- New feature: Enable Comments on Portfolio items. New feature: Show plain text logo and image logo option added.
- Improvements to JavaScript for loading main website logo on retina devices.
- Updated custom post type icons.
- Updated documentation.
- Updated language files.

## Version 1.2.3
- Update for additional content editor in Portfolio post type for WP 3.9.
- Fixed Safari post display bug on index page.

## Version 1.2.2
- Fixed missing variable on RSS feed.
- Added nonce check for custom meta.
- Added translation string for comments "before" text.
- Updated language files.

## Version 1.2.1
- Update for swipebox plugin for IE10+.
- Update for social share CSS mobile positioning.

## Version 1.2.0
- Fix for static homepage pagination not following theme options settings.
- Fix for swipebox lightbox allowing image click when lightbox enabled.
- Fix for gallery posts not working with auto scroll and increment timer.

## Version 1.1.9
- Fix for static page used as homepage showing sidebar.
- Fix for missing comment translations.
- Fix for comments padding/lines showing when comments off.
- Moved HTML5 Shim to conditional statement.
- Fix for no search results background.
- Updated FitVids plugin.
- Added Google Structured data support.
- Updated translation files.

## Version 1.1.8
- Fix for archive/author pages showing sidebar when they shouldn't.
- Fix for incorrect version number causing theme update nagging.

## Version 1.1.7
- Fix for blog layout showing sidebar when it shouldn't.

## Version 1.1.6
- Fixed error for related articles area when there were no matching categories.
- Fixed Blog Layout sidebar showing under blog layout content.
- Updated assets/js/plugins/swipebox.min.js to latest version.
- Fix for lightbox not rending after page scroll in latest Chrome.
- Portfolio items can now have up to 30 images.
- Added Avatar border styling control and Meta text and link colour control.
- Turn sidebar off for blog single added to theme options.
- New portfolio page added, no isotope filter but you can filter content via portfolio category slug.
- New page option added to order portfolio items by menu order or date order on the Page - Homepage template.
- Updated translation files.
- Update documentation.

## Version 1.1.5
- New option added to Page - Portfolio (Filter) - you can now sort your posts to display on the front-end as Descending or Ascending date order.
- Fix for homepage layout margins when no intro area is present.
- Fix for Blog Layout template not displaying sidebar.
- Fix for Media Query closing curly bracket overriding Custom CSS block.
- Updated language files.
- Updated documentation.

## Version 1.1.4
- We've added the ability to upload 20 images per portfolio single post type.
- Updated the portfolio category archive to work from slug rather than category name.
- Added in a minimum font size for mobile/tablet on site title and heading 1/archive headings.
- Renamed control-scripts-css.php to scripts-and-styles.php for consistency across themes.
- Optimised CSS for speed.
- Added inject CSS to head option for anyone having issues with saving style options or if they fancy a minor page speed load improvement.
- Updated title to be more SEO efficient and fully compatible with WordPress SEO for Yoast, meaning you don't need title rewrites switched on when using Yoast anymore, this should have small speed improvements.
- Updated language files.
- Updated documentation.

## Version 1.1.3
- Fix for gallery load on gallery format posts.

## Version 1.1.2
- Minor CSS tweak for Archives block on mobile.
- Minor CSS update to stop placeholder crop on search input.
- Updated functions to load JP player on search page.
- Updated back to top button for rare browser resize issue.

## Version 1.1.1
- Fixed pagination on homepage when being used a static front page.
- Fixed portfolio category archive view.

## Version 1.1.0
- **NEW FEATURE!** We've added the ability to set a site wide header image via the Theme Options > Images panel.
- Also fixed a little bug on social share not showing when portfolio social share was disabled.

## Version 1.0.9
- **NEW FEATURE!** We've added support for Jetpack Infinite Scroll on index/archive/author/search.

## Version 1.0.8
- Footer update for misaligned social icons when meanthemes credit was turned off.
- Theme Options dynamic CSS update for tiled/background images.

## Version 1.0.7
- CSS Update for quote format on single blog post type.
- Pagination fix on blog layout template.

## Version 1.0.6
- Update for dynamic CSS creation for users experience caching issues.

## Version 1.0.5
- Updated Documentation.
- Updated image widths for sidebar on/off scenario.
- Updated CSS for without intro on homepage templates.

## Version 1.0.4
- CSS overhaul to bring inline with Ghost version, tighter spacing and better fonts.
- Fix for flex caption sizing and calculation fix on portfolio wall.
- Fixes for max width on blog page and dynamic CSS file updates.

## Version 1.0.0
- Initial release.

Click here to view the Nerdy WP Changelog

