Home Best Selling WordPress Themes Rsw | Photography Theme for WordPress

Rsw | Photography Theme for WordPress

Rsw | Photography Theme for WordPress


Responsive Fullscreen Studio for WordPress - 1

Responsive Fullscreen Studio for WordPress - 2

WPML & Localization ( .po .mo ) Ready!

Demo URL

Note: To test on mobile devices please ensure the Demobar is Off or navigate to demo site directly with following link



support forum button
support forum button


Please refer to end of this page on updates made. The download pack includes changelog.txt file with all details of changes and additions along with details of files.

Theme Options

Unbranded theme options with advanced controls.

Responsive Fullscreen Studio for WordPress - 3

Responsive Fullscreen Studio for WordPress - 4

Responsive Fullscreen Studio for WordPress - 5

Responsive Fullscreen Studio for WordPress - 6

Responsive Fullscreen Studio for WordPress - 7

Responsive Fullscreen Studio for WordPress

RSW ( Responsive Fullscreen Studio for WordPress ) is a powerful theme for photographers and creative artists and comes with Light and Dark with theme options supporting multicolor customization of theme elements using color pickers. Creative artists can easily display their products using unlimited portfolio and post formats supporting Aside, Quote, Audio, Video, Link, Image and Gallery. The fonts can be changed using 400+ Google Web fonts choices in theme options.

RSW Responsive functionality instantly auto adjusts website according to resolution of devices.

Features Fullscreen slideshows with audio. Video fullscreen playback fro Vimeo, Flash, Youtube and HTML5 videos.

Homepage supports news blogs along with the slideshows.

Fullscreen toggle clears other elements for best view of fullscreen slideshows.

Portfolio includes a Horiztontal Slide scroller with captions support, and Galleria slideshows, both placed on background images with focus view toggle.

A transparent fullscreen template where slideshow shortcodes and thumbnail galleries can be displayed nicely. Portfolio Galleria slideshow is currently generated by this template.

Post formats ( Aside, Quote, Audio, Video, Link, Image, Gallery )

Custom Widgets ( address, social icons, flickr, gallery, twitter, recent posts, popular posts, portfolio related, portfolio work lister )

Internationalized ( localize with your language .po .mo files included )


  • Light and Dark theme
  • Fullscreen image slideshows
    • Fullscreen image slideshows with/without background audio playback
    • Fullscreen images slideshows and caption with/without background audio playback
  • Fullscreen Videos
    • Fullscreen Youtube
    • Fullscreen FLV flash video
    • Fullscreen Vimeo video
    • Fullscreen HTML5 video
  • Fullscreen Slideshows/Videos using Custom post type.
  • Password Protected Fullscreen, Portfolios and Pages
  • Toggle for fullscreen view.
  • Populate Menu social icon links using Widget. ( Easy to populate )
  • Post formats ( Aside, Quote, Audio, Video, Link, Image, Gallery )
  • Unlimited Portfolios
  • Portfolio supports 4,3 and 2 column showcase grids with image, slideshows and videos for portfolio headers.
  • Advance Theme Options
  • Change colors of theme using theme options
  • 400+ Google web fonts choices
  • Multiple Sidebars.
  • Contact form template validated and working mailer.
  • Custom Widgets ( address, social icons, flickr, gallery, twitter, recent posts, popular posts, portfolio related, portfolio work lister )
  • Lots of useful Shortcodes with inbuilt shortcode generator ( No need to remember the shortcodes )
  • Internationalized ( localize with your language .po .mo files included )
  • Help Guide PDF with detailed screenshots and explanations
  • XML Demo data file provided ( Ensures an easy to build site using Demo data )
  • PSDs included

Help Guide included

For easy deployment and configuration the theme comes with an easy to follow PDF file with screenshots and explanations.

XML data file included

XML Data file is provided with the download

PSD included

PSD files included


If you need support for the theme do post in the item discussions.


Version 3.5
WordPress 4.4 Related fixes

Files 'framework/functions/framework-functions.php'
Files 'framework/options/
Files 'includes/portfolio/portfolio-common-types.php'
Files 'includes/portfolio/portfolio-normal.php'
Files 'style.css'
Files 'widgets/address.php'
Files 'widgets/flickr.php'
Files 'widgets/popular.php'
Files 'widgets/portfolio-related-list.php'
Files 'widgets/portfolio-type.php'
Files 'widgets/recent.php'
Files 'widgets/sidebar-gallery.php'
Files 'widgets/social.php'
Files 'widgets/video.php'

Version 3.4

Update: PrettyPhoto JS

Version 3.3

Added Filterable Portfolio choice
Structured Portfolio layout to a central file
Upgraded Theme Options

/framework/options/[all files and folders]

Version 3.2

HTML5 videos powered by VideoJS
Youtube videos powered by tubular JS supports HD video

/js/videojs/[all files and folders]
RSW HelpGuide PDF updated

Version 3.1

Fix: Shortcode Generators for WordPress 3.9
     :- /functions/shortcodegens/[all files and folders]

Version 3.0

FIX: Theme Options for WordPress 3.8
/framework/options/[all files and folders]

Version 2.9
16th November 2013

NEW - Touchswipe for Slideshows
NEW - Improved Mobile Menu


Version 2.8
2nd August 2013

Fix - WP 3.6
    :- /framwork/admin/js/postmetaboxes.js

Add - Updated Google Webfonts list
    :- framework/options/google-fonts.php

Add - Revivions are on
    :- /functions/custom-post-types.php

Add - Google Maps shortcode
    :- /functions/scripts-styles-register.php
    :- /functions/shortcodegens/gmaps/[all files]
    :- /functions/shortcodes/gmaps.php
    :- /functions/php

Minor Fix to Slideshow captions when quotes are contained
    :- /includes/featured/supersized.php

Add - Linked footer text
    :- /style.css

Version 2.7
16th June 2013

Fix - Twitter uses new API 1.1
    :- /widgets/twitter/[all files]
    :- /functions.php

Add - Audio Shortcode
    :- /functions/shortcodes/audio.php
    :- /functions/shortcodegens/audio/[all files]
    :- /functions.php

[28th May 2013]
Version 2.6

Add - Theme options upgraded
    Theme Options Includes Export and Import Settings
    :- /framework/options/[all files and folders]

[26th April 2013]
Version 2.5

Fixes for upcoming WP 3.6
    Post metabox toggles
        :- /framework/admin/admin_setup.php
        :- /framework/admin/css/style.css
        :- /framework/admin/js/postmetaboxes.js
    Conflicted has_shortcode() function resolved
        :- /framework/functions/framework-functions.php
        :- /functions/conditional_scripts.php
    Fullscreen Slideshow titles and captions fix
        :- /includes/background/slideshow_bg.php
        :- /includes/featured/supersized.php

Post gallery slideshow paginations centered
    :- /css/flexislider/flexslider-page.css

[1st Feb 2013]
Version 2.4

Add - h2.entry-title for static pages
    :- /css/dynamic_css.php

Add - Theme options upgraded    
    :- /framework/options/[all files and folders]

Fix - Newbox only displays for mainpage fullscreen
    :- /includes/featured/supersized.php

[9th January 2013]
Version 2.3

Add - Options Updated
    :- /framework/options/[all files and folders]
    :- /functions.php

Add - Slideshow shortcode with caption and lightbox support and populate images from other pages
Add - Thumbnails have shortcode generator has populate by page ID field added
    :- /functions/shortcodegens/slideshow/[all files and folders]
    :- /functions/shortcodegens/thumbnails/[all files and folders]
    :- /css/flexislider/flexislider-page.css

Fix - Better responsive lightbox
    :- /css/prettyPhoto.css

Fix - Minor changes on how shortcodes are handled by theme functions
    :- /functions/shortcodes/[all files and folders]
    :- /includes/postformats/gallery.php
    :- single-mtheme_portfolio.php

Fix - Better archive pagination handling
    :- template-aside-posts.php
    :- template-audio-posts.php
    :- template-gallery-posts.php
    :- template-image-posts.php
    :- template-link-posts.php
    :- template-standard-posts.php
    :- template-video-posts.php
    :- template-bloglist.php

[9th January 2013]
Version 2.3

Add - Options Updated
    :- /framework/options/[all files and folders]
    :- /functions.php

Add - Slideshow shortcode support caption and lightbox, 
         and images can be populated from other pages
Add - Thumbnails shortcode generator has populate by page ID field added
    :- /functions/shortcodegens/slideshow/[all files and folders]
    :- /functions/shortcodegens/thumbnails/[all files and folders]
    :- /css/flexislider/flexislider-page.css

Fix - Better responsive lightbox
    :- /css/prettyPhoto.css

Fix - Minor changes on how shortcodes are handled by theme functions
    :- /functions/shortcodes/[all files and folders]
    :- /includes/postformats/gallery.php
    :- single-mtheme_portfolio.php

Fix - Better archive pagination handling
    :- template-aside-posts.php
    :- template-audio-posts.php
    :- template-gallery-posts.php
    :- template-image-posts.php
    :- template-link-posts.php
    :- template-standard-posts.php
    :- template-video-posts.php
    :- template-bloglist.php

[13th December 2012]
Version 2.2

Add - Updated Help Guide PDF

Fix - Fullscreen first slide title displays correctly for WP 3.5
    :- /js/supersized/supersized.shutter.js

[15th November 2012]
Version 2.1

Fix - Fullscreen Video compatible with JWPlayer 6 +
    :- /includes/featured/fullscreenvideo.php

[18th July 2012]
Version 2.0

Add - Password protection for fullscreen slideshows, fullscreen videos and portfolios
    :- /includes/featured/supersized.php
    :- /includes/featured/fullscreenvideo.php
    :- /single-mtheme_portfolio.php

Fix - Displays portfolio type archive background image correctly
    :- /includes/background/background_display.php

Fix - Displays 8 block per page for Taxonomy work type archives
    :- taxonomy-types.php

Add :- WPML theme options string translatable XML file
    :- /wpml-config.xml

Add - Show WPML plugin language selector above social header icons if plugin is active
      And display language selector below responsive menu in mobile devices if plugin is active
    :- style.css
    :- /header-navigation.php

Update - Updated localization files
    :- languages/rsw.po
    :- languages/rsw.mo

[16th July 2012]
Version 1.9

Add - Code for removing harcoded width and height properties WP add when inserting images through editor
    :- /framework/functions/framework-functions.php

Add - Fullscreen slideshow posts selectable as background from portfolio, pages and posts
    :- /includes/background/slideshow_bg.php
    :- /includes/background/background_display.php
    :- /functions/conditional_scripts.php
    :- /functions/custom-post-types.php
    :- /functions/page-metaboxes.php
    :- /functions/post-metaboxes.php

[30th June 2012]
Version 1.8

Fix - Responsive Mobile Accordion tabs width
    :- /css/responsive.css

Fix    - Address widget style corrected for iPads
    :- style.css

Add - Video Widget Addition
    - style.css
    - functions.php
    - /widgets/video.php

Add - Thumbnail shortcode can fetch image attachments from other pages
    :- /functions/shortcodes/general.php
    :- /functions/shortcodegens/thumbnails/tinymce.js
    :- /functions/shortcodegens/thumbnails/window.php

Add - Audio default volume control for fullscreen slideshow
    - Audio loop choice for fullscreen slideshow
    :- /includes/featured/supersized.php
    :- /framework/options/options-data.php

[24th May 2012]
Version 1.7
Fix - Sidebar Removed from Attachment post
    - attachment.php
Fix - Title corrected for Theme Style Select menu 
    - framework/options/options-data.php

[4th May 2012]
Version 1.6
Add - Additional field to display HTML5 fullscreen video poster image
    :- /includes/featured/fullscreenvideo.php
    :- /functions/custom-post-types.php

Fix - Fullscreen slideshow thumbnail easing scripts
    :- /functions/scripts-styles-register.php

Fix - Image attachment page work correctly
    :- /attachment.php
    :- /loop-attachment.php

[28th April 2012]
Version 1.5
Add - Password Protected portfolio
    :- /includes/portfolio/portfolio-two.php
    :- /includes/portfolio/portfolio-three.php
    :- /includes/portfolio/portfolio-four.php

Fix - Add all background fields for portfolio items
    :- /includes/background/background_display.php
    :- /functions/custom-post-types.php

Fix - Uses correct template path for dynamic css file. Corrects issue for Child themes.
    :- /header.php

Fix - Widgetized page picks Max sidebars from functions.php file
    :- /functions/widgetize-theme.php

Add - All style class additions are appended to End of File of style.css and style_dark.css commented with version number.
    :- /style.css
    :- /style_dark.css

[7th April 2012]
Version 1.4
Add - Page Templates for Postformat specific blog list
    :- template-aside-posts.php
    :- template-audio-posts.php
    :- template-video-posts.php
    :- template-gallery-posts.php
    :- template-image-posts.php
    :- template-quote-posts.php
    :- template-standard-posts.php
    :- /functions/conditional_scripts.php

Mod - Newsbox deactivated by default
    :- /framework/options/options-data.php

Fix - Mainpage only loads jQuery Cycle script and News Init script if Newsbox is enabled
    :- index.php

[5th April 2012]
Version 1.3    
Add - Submenu can be set to appear under the hovered item. Ideal for few menu items
    :- /framework/options/options-data.php
    :- /css/dynamic_css.php 

Fix - Safari Mac version menu fix.
    :- style.css
    :- /css/menu/superfish.css

[4th April 2012]
Version 1.2    
Add - Theme update notifier
    :- functions.php
    :- /framework/options/options-data.php
    :- /framework/notifier/[all files]

Fix - error when no background slides are found in theme options
    :- /framework/options/options-data.php

[3rd April 2012]
Version 1.1
Add - Newsbox can display Catgory of Posts or Portfolio posts
    :- /framework/options/options-data.php
    :- /includes/news-block.php

Fix - Show mainpage fullscreen navigation for more than 1 slide. Useful to show a static image.
Fix - Don't display thumbnail tray toggle when tray is switched off.
    :- includes/featured/supersized.php

[3rdth April 2012]
Version 1.0



( Photos not included in download pack )
Photographs purchased from Photodune.

  • Social icons used in demo – Komodo Social icons


  • Music used in demo by DanoSongs.com


  • Videos by Blender Foundation

www.blender.org www.bigbuckbunny.org

