Home Minimal WordPress Themes Angle Flat Responsive Bootstrap MultiPurpose Theme

Angle Flat Responsive Bootstrap MultiPurpose Theme

Angle Flat Responsive Bootstrap MultiPurpose Theme


Verso Multi Purpose WordPress Theme
Angle Flat Responsive Bootstrap WordPress Theme

Welcome to Angle Theme, flat design from another angle. A multi-purpose, ultra-flexible, fully responsive WordPress theme.

One Click Installer

Angle is the Ultimate Boostrap Flat Theme and you can use it to make any kind of web site.
Just to show you how flexible this theme is, we’ve gone nuts and created 10 example frontpages for you to look at.
The theme is ready to translate into any language using the WPML plugin. As usual of our themes you will receive our 100% support, should you need any help  :)

online documentation
follow us on theme forest

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hd video tutorials

User Reviews

Client Reviews

Key Features

Feature list

  • Layer Slider plugin included (worth $15).
  • Built on the latest Boostrap 3
  • WP Bakery Visual Composer
  • SVG Page Section Decorations
  • Unlimited color swatch combinations
  • PSDs included
  • Easy to use Swatch Editor
  • Responsive design – tested on ipad / iphone
  • Retina Display Ready
  • WPML Ready!
  • WP Bakery Visual Composer (worth $25)
  • Revolution Slider (worth $15)
  • Isotope (worth $25)
  • Set of flat icons (worth $9)
  • Blog with post format support
  • Valid HTML5 + CSS3
  • Great Font Options with Google Fonts and TypeKit support
  • Custom Posts for your business content – easy to update your site
    • Staff – Staff can be orgainsed into departments
    • Services – Organise your business services
    • Testimoials – Add a client testimonial quickly & easily
  • Clean coded
  • Clean Flexible Flat Design – can be used for any kind of site
  • Quick Uploader – Upload multiple portfolio items, slideshow images, staff photos or testimonial photos in one simple process – saves hours of manually creating posts
  • Responsive Typography
  • Font Awesome Icons Built In
  • Social Icons & Twiiter Widgets
  • PSD included in package
  • French & German Translations Included
  • Detailed online documentation
  • Cross Browser compatible

People who bought our themes said

You rock my friend. You really do. The design + the customer support put you at the TOP of the Envato marketplace in my humble opinion. – Thank you! omnisapien

this theme is very well done! updates work without a hitch, widget areas, advanced styling and all transfers to updated version, i have to say, one of the best themes ive worked with! havent tried the wpml compatibility, but seems like its made to work!
good work oxygenna, thank you! manuki

WOW, I dont give compliments easily here, but this excellent work deserves it. hempro

Smartbox theme is one of the easiest and best way ho to create website very fast. skukucka

Purchased the theme and have been working with it for the last few days. It’s a great theme. Lots of possibilities. Good documentation (web pages and video’s). And the service they provide is terrific. theotutsme


  • Asset images by pixabay
  • Fonts by typekit (not included in the theme)

Changelog Summary ( Full Changelog Here )

