Home WordPress Themes Daily – A Beautiful WordPress Blog & Photo theme

Daily – A Beautiful WordPress Blog & Photo theme

Daily – A Beautiful WordPress Blog & Photo theme


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So, what’s Daily about?

We love photography, this theme is about showcasing that. We think bloggers with an interest in photography or photographers with an interest in blogging will love this theme.

The really cool thing about this theme is that it comes in 3 flavours, you can snapshot your photos in an instagram style square with DailyPhoto or choose from our DailyClassic or DailyWide layouts if you want something that showcases the detail of your work more. Don?t let that stop you from using Daily for whatever you like though. It has been created so that all post types fit nicely within the design so if you are more of a classic blogger, with the focus being on the written word, then this theme is also for you! It works well as a portfolio too.
Just some of the layouts you can achieve with Daily

Worried about short titles on DailyPhoto?

You’ve got an existing blog, with super long titles? Don’t worry, you can use the “Short title” custom meta box on all or some of your posts to make sure it fits the style of DailyPhoto, but retain your longer blog title within the blog post page.

3 Design Variations in One

Choose from Photo/Square, Classic and Wide, you can even enable a full width homepage.

All post formats supported

Aside, audio, video, gallery, image, status, chat, link, quote, standard – we support them all in this theme.

Unlimited Color Options

You can control colours for the entire theme using our easy to use options panel.


More fonts than you can shake a stick at

Google fonts, Typekit fonts, Adobe Edge fonts, standard fonts – these are all built in and easy to setup, just follow the inline help.


You can even change the road colour on your Google Map


Full feature list

  • New! Gutenberg editor support
  • New! Real-time theme options preview in Appearance > Customize
  • 3 design variations in one
  • Photo (Square) layout
  • Classic layout
  • Full Width (no sidebar layout)
  • Full Width for homepage only
  • Turn off “Archives: ” text block in category view
  • Use admin format for date
  • Hide post thumbnails on gallery posts
  • Hide post thumbnails on all posts (not pages or gallery posts)
  • Hide sub page sidebar navigation
  • Centre logo and strapline in header
  • Specify how many tweets to show in footer
  • Short title option for all posts
  • Enable full blog posts on homepage and blog layout template
  • Archive template showing by 30 most recent, by month, year and category
  • Switch comments off for the entire theme
  • Switch side navigation to left instead of right
  • Completely switch off side navigation
  • Switch on side navigation on homepage template
  • All blog post formats supported
  • Flexslider powered blog gallery
  • Responsive video custom widget for widgetised areas
  • Lowercase option for sidebar/footer titles
  • Truncate long links in comments
  • Use a minus letter-spacing on titles
  • Choose width for mobile menu to start
  • Google web fonts integration
  • Typekit web fonts integration
  • New Adobe Edge Web fonts integration
  • Google Analytics Support
  • Easy to use settings to get you up and running quickly
  • Twitter integration
  • Configurable footer
  • Widgetized Footer
  • Widgetized Sidebar
  • Plain text logo option
  • Custom logo upload
  • Custom Retina only logo upload
  • Favicon and apple touch icon upload
  • Contact form
  • Google API v3 integration
  • Google map with configurable road colour
  • Custom Google pin upload
  • Show footer links for your most popular social networks
  • Unlimited colors/colours – control colours and fonts across the entire theme
  • Control font sizes across the entire theme
  • Custom background swatch
  • Custom background colour
  • Choose boxed or wide layout for the whole website
  • Custom CSS block for ultimate control override (without having to edit the theme stylesheet)
  • General template related text control to quickly edit text without editing .mo and .po files.
  • Localisation support with provided .mo and .po files
  • 5 Page templates including blog layout, archives layout and full width
  • Custom Menu
  • Featured image support
  • Drop down menus
  • Blog Layout page
  • Shortcodes
  • Fully responsive (optimised for iPad and iPhone with retina graphics)
  • Extensive documentation
  • Flickr widget seen in Demo is via a third party: QuickFlickr Widget (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/quick-flickr-widget/)

Update History

## Version 1.2.0
- Moved theme options to Customizer. **Please go to Appearance > Customize. All your previous settings should be automatically imported ;)**
- Updates for WP 5.1.
- Added Gutenberg support.
- Updated TGM Plugin Activation class.
- Updated footer copyright year to display current year automatically.
- Fix for WP Widgets overflow in sidebar.
- Fix sidebar display settings.
- Removal of post format custom metaboxes as they are now in the MeanThemes Tools plugin (please install MeanThemes Tools plugin - you will be prompted to install once the Theme Update completes).
- Removal of Google Analytics settings as they are now in the MeanThemes Tools plugin (please update MeanThemes Tools to 3.1.0+ - you will be prompted to update once the Theme Update completes).
- Small tweaks.
- Updated documentation.

## Version 1.1.8
- Removed WP updates plugin due to lack of third party developer support and potential XSS vulnerability. [Read more on this blog post about the new update process](http://www.meanthemes.com/2015/04/21/installing-theme-updates/).

## Version 1.1.7
- Fixed long WP caption pushing WP caption width out.
- Updated Theme Options icon for retina dash icon.
- Updated documentation with new demo URL.

## Version 1.1.6
- Fix for oEmbeds in post editor not displaying properly (you may need to refresh once for the new editor CSS to kick in).
- WordPress 4.1 Upates.
- Main JavaScript tidy, updated JavaScript to load at foot of page for faster load times.

## Version 1.1.5
- Updates for MeanMenu jQuery plugin and WordPress 3.6 custom meta nonce field checks.

## Version 1.1.4
- Updated Tabs shortcode to show correct active state.
- Fixed radio buttons not appearing in Webkit browsers.

## Version 1.1.3
- Updates for div arrangement on home/archive etc.
- Missing translation added for searchform.php.

## Version 1.1.2
- Included Twitter oAuth 1.1 Support :) Please go to [This Blog post for more information.](http://www.meanthemes.com/?p=258)

## Version 1.1.1
- Updated functions php to enqueue CSS.
- Switched on thumbnail for DailyPhoto index/archive square layout for audio and video formats.
- Updated mobile menu (MeanMenu), add App.net and Behance to social links in footer.
- Fixed hover CSS issue for sidebar, added in social share username for sharing via Twitter AND add Pinterest sharing.

## Version 1.1.0
- Updated theme options load file for spelling error on wp-load.php.

## Version 1.0.9
- Added social share option + "Share on: " and Separator text options to go along with it.
- Fixed Tabs issue for WP 3.5.
- Minor CSS fixes for responsive layer when used in wide mode + photo mode.
- Removed date format on comments, added in hierarchical nesting on sidebar.
- Updated RSS content.

## Version 1.0.8
- Minor bug fix for Content Colour option in Theme Option panel.

## Version 1.0.7
- Minor bug fix for responsive CSS.

## Version 1.0.6
- Bugs: Fixed sidebar on full width homepage only option, fixed contact widget area.
- New features: exclude post thumbnails on gallery posts, exclude post thumbnails on all posts (not gallery posts or pages), whole new audio player - now upload mp3 or oga, hide sub menu on pages sidebar, hide thumbnail images on posts, hide thumbnails just on gallery format.

## Version 1.0.5
- Minor bug fixes.

## Version 1.0.4
- New Features: Option Full width homepage only, keep side navigation on all other pages.
- Option to use admin controlled date format, Option to centre header and main navigation, Option to hide whole "Archives: " block on category led pages, added option to specify last x tweets.
- Bug fixes: Added footer font size.
- Plus some other minor updates: navigation right fix when in full content mode, made validation javascript translatable via .po for contact page, added classes per form paragraph on contact page.
- Updated documentation.

## Version 1.0.3
- Updates on page templates for WordPress 3.5. **Please note: As part of our quality check for WordPress 3.5 compatibility we have chosen to update page templates naming convention, this means that any pages other than the default page template will need their page template set again after this update. Please contact support if you need help.**.
- Also in this update: Supersize option updated to narrow header height when text is deleted from Theme Options.

## Version 1.0.2
- Minor bug fixes.
## Version 1.0.1

- Initial release.

Photo Credits

All photography in the theme demo has been kindly provided by Benjamin Reid just for the Daily Theme. The photos are not in the Theme Files as part of the ThemeForest download.

