Home Best Portfolio Showcase Theme Hempstead – Responsive Portfolio WordPress Theme

Hempstead – Responsive Portfolio WordPress Theme

Hempstead – Responsive Portfolio WordPress Theme


Hempstead – Responsive Portfolio WordPress Theme - 1

Hempstead is a responsive, retina-ready portfolio WordPress theme that is a stunning visual experience for minimal loving creatives with its grid system layout.

Hempstead comes with Visual Composer, one-click install, demo data (with images) and more to make it the most flexible portfolio WordPress theme on the market and allow you to build a website in minutes.

Hempstead - Responsive Portfolio WordPress Theme

Hempstead is a unique portfolio WordPress theme, focused on minimalism, elegance, and simplicity. It’s created around a modular concept and an amazing masonry portfolio grid. It’s also packed with a lot of useful features, options, and shortcodes to offer the best solution for any website.

With Hempstead you can showcase any design, illustration, photo or product in a great way, leaving your visitors and buyers impressed.

Hempstead Portfolio WordPress Theme Features

  • Fully Responsive Layout
  • Grid System
  • SEO Friendly
  • Optimized for Speed
  • One Click Install
  • Demo Data Included
  • Visual Composer Included
  • Smooth Page Animations
  • Easily Customizable
  • CSS3 and JQuery Animations
  • W3C HTML Valid Code
  • HTML5 & Bootstrap 3
  • Google Web Fonts
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Cross Browser Support
  • Well Documented
  • Superb Support

and much more!

Documentation / Support

The themes documentation is extensive and the source code is properly commented and formatted, so you shouldn’t
have any problems working with this item.

If you need support, please send us a ticket using our support ticket system.

We usually respond to support requests within
24 hours on weekdays, depending on the number of requests in queue.

Hempstead V 2.1

- Resolved Import Data Not Working
- Added New Shortcodes for Embeded Vimeo/YouTube Videos
- Added New Text Box Shortcode
- Misc Speed Improvements and Bug Fixes

Hempstead V 2.0

-added option to enable/disable pagination for portfolio.
-added some social links for "Team" shortcode.
-fixed issue with images responsiveness in posts.
-fixed issue with featured image quality for post with 3/4 width.
-fixed contact form color issue.
-fixed bug with theme translation.
-fixed issue with share buttons.
-fixed category sorting in single portfolio.
-updated .pot file.
-some minimal improvements.

Hempstead V 1.9.3

-Retina logo issue fixed.
-Portfolio categories sorting issue fixed.
-Portfolio tags issue fixed.

Hempstead V 1.9.2

-Social share button issue fixed
-Sticky footer option added in Theme Options
-Portfolio title preview is now available on mobile devices.

Hempstead V 1.9.0

-Menu sub-item issue fixed
-Portfolio cut image issue fixed
-Portfolio lightbox bug fixed
-Portfolio pagination added
-Post filter category added
-Clickable post feature image added
-New social icons in "Theme Options" added
-Other bug fixes and general improvements

Hempstead V 1.8.5

-Fixed unordered list in Service box short code
-Fixed portfolio info box 
-Fixed navigation menu for mobile phones
-Fixed Contact form
-Fixed social icon bug
-Fixed bug with dropdown menu
-Fixed twitter share icon bug
-Update: possibility to add more than 10 pictures in portfolio item
-Update: now you can add the link to portfolio layout 2

Hempstead V 1.8.1

- Blog shortcode is not displaying on the pages;
- Intro text shortcode (h2 is not working and it shows <> before content);
- Fix name of the page;
-Fix styles for team shortcode.

Hempstead V 1.8

- Check list styles in shortcodes (<> appears);
- Add option to choose width of sidebar (1/4 or 1/2);
- Retina logo is Safari;
- Video in portfolio item is not responsive;
- Need to convert classes of the pages into lowercase register for all shortcodes;
- Add Linkedin icon to Theme options> Social icons;
- Remove "" from team shortcode.

Hempstead V 1.6

1) Screen options are not working (Comments, Slug, Discussion, Excerpt are not showing) 
2) Portfolio shortcode: filter is not working correctly; when few categories are selected - they are not showing
3) OPTION: add option to remove next and previous boxes from single portfolio
4) Notice: Undefined
5) Links in shortcodes are not saving.

Hempstead V 1.4

1) Retina logo (fixed at small devices)
2) Video is responsive
3) The custom css won't work in child theme
4) Filter in portfolio shortcode
5) Shortcodes without VC sign at it shows as background.
6) Icon text, Service Box shortcodes (there is no image in front end if you choose it in shortcode)
7) Icon text - links not working
<img src="/images/smileys/cool.png" alt="8)" title="8)" /> Menu Types (Theme options): if you select "Menu closes as well when clicking on a menu item" - menu in not working on responsive.
1) Child theme

Hempstead V 1.3.2

- "Add media": images behind the content;
- opportunity to add and remove comments;
- issue with the text behind portfolio and posts;
- issue with showing "<>" before text blocks;
- issue with displaying posts;
- pagination for creating blog is added.

Hempstead V 1.2.4

- Fix for different Menu Types freezing when default Menu is not in used 
- Fix for dummy text at the background of pages 
- Fix for Read More in Blog Posts - Fix for hyperlink in Blog Posts 
- Fix for dummy text in Posts Background - Media Grid Elements that came with VC Update disabled 
- Fix for Retina Images 
- Fix for Services Box showing Dummy Content event if saved 
- Fix for Logo responsiveness 
- Fix for Spacing Between portfolio item with Multiple Categories 
- Fix for duplicate Portfolio Items from same Category 
- Fix for Social Media Icons 
- Fix for Visual Composer Extra Class not displaying in page 
- Other Bugs Fixes and General improvement

Hempstead V 1.2.1

Added latest version of Visual Composer

Hempstead V 1.2.0

Added option to multipage
Added Social Icon as Facebook and Linkedin 

Hempstead V 1.0.6

Added latest Version of Visual Composer 
Added 3 new type of menu
Logo Retina update 
Set the Height and Width for the logo 


The mockup images were supplied as a courtesy by GrafAS

Made with love by NRGThemes

