Home Site Template Limitless – Responsive Web Application Kit

Limitless – Responsive Web Application Kit

Limitless – Responsive Web Application Kit

Limitless – a new professional admin template, based on Bootstrap framework. Limitless is a powerful and super flexible tool, which suits best for any kind of web application. Includes 1 main and 3 alternative layouts, 1000+ commented HTML pages, 1000+ components with different features and options, 100+ plugins and extensions etc. Limitless includes Starter kit – a set of blank pages, that will make your developer’s life much easier. Limitless template is fully responsive, which means that it looks perfect on mobiles and tablets. Limitless app kit is fully based on LESS preprocessor, includes 100+ commented LESS files. Limitless support different languages you can change application language on-the-fly and use other features such as fallback languages, language detection, direct access etc.


limitless responsive web application kit

countless possibilities

flexible and powerful layouts

first layout second layout variation third layout variation fourth layout variation fifth layout variation

extra responsive layout

Key Feature List

  • 4 pre-built layouts
  • Static layout, fixed navbar, fixed footer and fixed sidebar layout options
  • Custom and native scrollbars for fixed elements
  • Liquid and boxed layouts
  • Custom color system, includes 16 color palettes
  • Starter kit for developers
  • Form components options
  • Full set of basic form components
  • Form validation
  • 12 columns responsive grid of input fields
  • Vertical and horizontal form layouts
  • Select2 select library with advanced options
  • Bootstrap Multiselect library with different options
  • SelectBoxIt selects library with sizing, styling and other options
  • Bootstrap Select library with live search support
  • Stepy wizard library
  • Form wizard library
  • Steps wizard library
  • Summernote rich text editor
  • CKEditor text editor, the most powerful one
  • WYSIHTML5 text editor
  • Ace Code editor with 100+ modes, themes and extensions
  • Date & time – pick-a-date, pick-a-time, anytime, daterange and jQuery UI pickers with options
  • Spectrum Color picker with options
  • Location and address pickers with Google Maps integration
  • Date paginator – date picker with calendar and pagination
  • Ton of various components
  • PNotify notifications library
  • Noty notifications
  • jGrowl notifications
  • Content panels
  • Session and idle timeout tools
  • Velocity.js animations, including UI pack
  • BlockUI library for blocking elements
  • Image cropper with options
  • Full calendar library with styling and display options
  • Internationalization library with examples and options
  • File uploaders options
  • Vertical navigation
  • Horizontal navigation
  • Data visualization options
  • Static tables
  • Data tables
  • Custom pages kit available

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