Home Top eCommerce Themes Unicase – Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme

Unicase – Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme

Unicase – Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme


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Unicase Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme

Unicase is a modern, user-friendly and highly customizable WordPress theme, built for your WooCommerce Store. The design is well-suited for Electronics, Fashion and Furniture stores.

The theme is built on top of Underscores framework. The code is lean and extensible. This will allow developers to easily add functionality to your side via child theme and/or custom plugin(s).

Unicase features deep integration with WooCommerce plus several of the most popular extensions like :

  • Visual Composer
  • Revolution Slider
  • YITH Wishlist
  • YITH Compare

Unicase Extensions

To take your store to the next level we have bundled with this theme the Unicase Extensions plugin which provides advanced feature like :

  • Product Live Search
  • Product Quick View
  • Advanced Vertical Menu
  • Megamenu Dropdown
  • Blog Carousel
  • Brands Carousl
  • Products Carousel
  • Banners

Unicase Documentation

You can view the Unicase Documentation here : https://transvelo.github.io/docs/unicase/

Unicase Video Tutorials

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Installation & Setup of Unicase WooCommerce Theme

This is a youtube playlist of step-by-step guide to install and setup Unicase WooCommerce Theme.

Unicase - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme - 14     
Changing from Modern to Classic View in Unicase

In this video we will show you how to switch from modern style home page to classic style home page. https://youtu.be/48s4lCoYrlI

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Translating Unicase WooCommerce Theme

In this video we’ll explain how to translate Unicase WooCommerce theme. https://youtu.be/_n9dpI8elyY

Unicase Help & Support

Generally the comments section is reserved for pre-sales questions and questions that does not require much technical help. For better response and management of support requests, you can simply create a new support request by sending an email from here : support tab

Please note that the comments section and support email are our only support channels. Please do not use Envato form to send support requests.

Unicase General Features


  • Easy Installation and Setup
  • Free Updates and one-to-one support
  • Comes with importable dummy data
  • Built on Bootstrap 3
  • Cross-browser compatible (Chrome/Firefox/IE)
  • Built with SASS – All SASS files included
  • 5 Pre-defined header styles and option to customize headers
  • 6 Pre-defined color scheme and option to generate custom colors
  • Boxed and Stretched layouts
  • 3 Different types of demo
  • Responsive Megamenu
  • 4 Pre-built Pages
  • Supports various post formats and post thumbnails feature.
  • Includes 3 widgets
  • WPML Compatible
  • Youtube like page loader

WooCommerce Features

  • Catalog Mode available.
  • CSS3 Product Item animations
  • Thumbnail Lazy loading
  • Share block for Single Product pages.
  • Shop Page Jumbotron.
  • Product Live Search feature
  • Product Quick View feature
  • Wishlist and Compare from **YITH
  • Brands Carousel
  • Products Carousel
  • Ability to display products in 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 columns
  • Custom Product Comparison page.
  • Choose a layout for Shop/Product Archive pages
  • Choose a layout for Single Product pages

Blog Options

  • Choose from Right Sidebar, Left Sidebar or Full-width layouts
  • Force to show only excerpt in archive pages instead of full content
  • Enable placeholder images
  • Animate post items.
  • Share block to share post items.

Other Customization options

  • Integrated with Google Fonts
  • Can choose from FontAwesome icons
  • Integrated with Social Media
  • Can paste custom CSS and custom JS easily.
  • Import/Export customization options

Demo Pages

Home Pages

  • Home v1
  • Home v2
  • Home v3
  • Home v4

Shop Pages

  • Shop Page
  • Shop Category Page
  • Shop Categories
  • Shop Sidebar: 2 Columns
  • Shop Sidebar: 3 Columns
  • Shop Sidebar: 4 Columns
  • Shop Sidebar: 5 Columns
  • Shop Sidebar: 6 Columns
  • Shop Fullwidth: 2 Columns
  • Shop Fullwidth: 3 Columns
  • Shop Fullwidth: 4 Columns
  • Shop Fullwidth: 5 Columns
  • Shop Fullwidth: 6 Columns

Blog Pages

  • Blog
  • Standard Format
  • Image Format
  • Gallery Format
  • Audio Format
  • Video Format

WooCommerce Pages

  • My Account
  • Wishlist
  • Cart
  • Checkout
  • Product Comparison
  • Track your Order

Pre-built Pages

  • Contact
  • Terms & Conditions
  • FAQ

Release History

2020-02-15 – v1.6.5

Feature : Compatibility with WP Forms
Update  : Compatible with WooCommerce 3.9.x
Update  : Slider Revolution and WP Bakery Page Builder

20-Jun-2019 – v1.6.4

Update  : Updated Slider Revolution
Update  : Updated Visual Composer
Update  : WooCommerce templates updated
Fix     : Products widget button issue fixed

08-Jan-2019 – v1.6.3

Update  : Updated Slider Revolution
Update  : Updated Visual Composer
Update  : WooCommerce templates updated

09-Nov-2018 – v1.6.2

Update  : Updated Slider Revolution
Update  : Updated Visual Composer
Update  : Compatible with WooCommerce 3.5.1
Fix     : Brands Carousel link issue fixed
Fix     : Shop jumbotron issue fixed
Fix     : Header search issue fixed

07-Feb-2018 – v1.6.1

Update  : Updated Slider Revolution
Update  : Compatible with WooCommerce 3.3.1

02-Feb-2018 – v1.6.0

Feature : One Click demo import added
Update  : Updated WPBPage Builder ( formerly Visual Composer ) and Slider Revolution
Update  : Compatible with WooCommerce 3.3.0
Fix     : Page Metabox issue fixed
Fix     : Products Carousel navigation issue fixed
Fix     : Post Formats gallery issue fixed

27-Nov-2017 – v1.5.0

Feature : Single product accessories added
Feature : Single product layout option added
Update  : Compatible with WooCommerce 3.2.4
Update  : Visual Composer updated to 5.4.5
Update  : Revolution Slider updated to
Update  : Owl Carousel js updated
Update  : Typeahead js updated
Update  : Live search code updated
Fix     : Products carousel widget issue fixed
Fix     : Products tab carousel image issue fixed

03-Jul-2017 – v1.4.4

Updated TGMPA requirements
Revolution Slider updated
Add to cart ajax script issue fixed

10-Jun-2017 – v1.4.3

Updated TGMPA requirements
Nav walker class check added
Live search limit added
Featured products issue fixed

04-May-2017 – v1.4.2

Updated TGMPA requirements
Updated Revolution Slider
Visual Composer flexslider updated
WOW js updated
Quick view issue fixed
Live search issue fixed

06-Apr-2017 – v1.4.1

Categories archive title issue fixed
Related Product title issue fixed
Checkout page select issue fixed

06-Apr-2017 – v1.4.0

Updated TGMPA requirements
WooCommerce 3.0.0 compatibility added

24-Mar-2017 – v1.3.2

Product Widget issue fixed

23-Mar-2017 – v1.3.1

Updated Revolution Slider
Updated Visual Composer
Update TGMPA requirements
Dokan templates updated

15-Feb-2017 – v1.3.0

Handheld Layout added
Dokan templates updated

10-Jan-2017 – v1.2.8

Menu multilevel dropdown added

20-Dec-2016 – v1.2.7

Updated Revolution Slider
Updated Visual Composer
Update TGMPA requirements
Site wide notice added
Fixed an issue with top bar styling

21-Nov-2016 – v1.2.6

Updated Visual Composer
Update TGMPA requirements
Cart, Checkout and Account page options issue fixed

13-Oct-2016 – v1.2.5

Update TGMPA requirements
Brands Carousel images link added
Shop taxonomies layout issues fixed
Pace and Scroll to top issues fixed
Extensions plugin restructured

23-Sep-2016 – v1.2.4

Updated Visual Composer
Update TGMPA requirements
Added no text transform

29-Jul-2016 – v1.2.3

Updated Revolution Slider
Updated TGMPA requirements
WooCommerce loop reset issue fixed in related products
Cart variation width issue fixed
Menu dropdown hover issue fixed
Theme options empty value issue fixed
Single Product variation select space issue fixed

16-Jun-2016 – v1.2.2

Updated Visual Composer
Updated Revolution Slider
Updated TGMPA requirements
Dokan review template padding removed
Cart page remove icon issue fixed
Made compatible with WooCommerce 2.6

02-Jun-2016 – v1.2.1

Updated TGMPA requirements
Updated Revolution Slider
TGMPA class updated
Dokan seller registration page alignment issue in IE fixed
Quick view gallery thumbnail issue fixed
Mini Cart dropdown on hover issue fixed
Terms shortcode added

29-Apr-2016 – v1.2.0

Updated TGMPA requirements
Dokan seller registration page alignment issue fixed
Dokan seller dashboard product edit page layout issue fixed
Sticky Header Added

22-Apr-2016 – v1.1.7

Updated Revolution Slider
Updated Visual Composer
Updated TGMPA requirements

14-Apr-2016 – v1.1.6

Updated Revolution Slider
Updated Visual Composer
Updated TGMPA requirements
Single Product Page Button Style issue for External Product is fixed
Live Search issue with WPML is fixed

01-Apr-2016 – v1.1.5

Updated Revolution Slider
Updated TGMPA requirements
Button style issue fixed in myaccount page
Shop control bar pagination issue fixed
Proudcts by ID option added in Products Carousel VC Element

19-Mar-2016 – v1.1.4

Updated Revolution Slider
Updated Visual Composer
Updated TGMPA requirements
Product price line height issue fixed
External product button style issue fixed
Catelog mode product button style issue fixed

07-Mar-2016 – v1.1.3

Updated Revolution Slider
Updated TGMPA requirements
Extra Border line in quick view issue fixed
Blog post animation override in page is removed
Dokan review template issue fixed
Carousel elements duplicate id issue fixed

29-Feb-2016 – v1.1.2

Category Widgets parent category dropdown issue fixed
Product shop loop template HTML issue fixed
Filters added for args in shortcode query
Product quickview z-index issue fixed

22-Feb-2016 – v1.1.1

Updated TGMPA requirements
Single Product Page Meta info added
Mini Cart Widget missing variations added

16-Feb-2016 – v1.1.0

Updated TGMPA requirements
Updated links for documentation
Single Product Page Layout option issue fixed
Compatible with Dokan

12-Feb-2016 – v1.0.5

Updated Visual Composer
Updated TGMPA requirements
Newsletter form style issue fixed

25-Jan-2016 – v1.0.4

Updated TGMPA requirements
Compatible with WooCommerce 2.5.0
Variations with same price empty block issue fixed
Custom CSS issue fixed

13-Jan-2016 – v1.0.3

Updated Visual Composer, Revolution Slider
Plugin activation will point to latest versions in plugins repository
Sidebar issues in recent products fixed

06-Jan-2016 – v1.0.2

Updated Visual Composer
Plugin activation will point to latest versions in plugins repository
Menu Hover issue fixed
Custom Menu Integration in Footer Widgets
Default widgets loaded for sidebars
Product Labels taxonomy added

21-Dec-2015 – v1.0.1

Updated Revolution Slider
Plugin activation will point to latest versions in plugins repository
Filter Widget issue fixed
Limit the touch area for sliders
Hide Page Title option added
Product Grid issue fixed

27-Nov-2015 – v1.0.0

Initial Release

