Home Minimal WordPress Themes Website – Responsive WordPress Theme

Website – Responsive WordPress Theme

Website – Responsive WordPress Theme


Website is easy to use high quality WordPress theme.
It’s a responsive theme, which means it adapts to the device on which it’s displayed. The theme cares for your content so it looks great on all devices, but you can also decide to show part of a content on some versions only, and hide on others.

Bright & dark schemes

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Unlimited sliders (3 types)

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  • individual sliders for each page
  • fully responsive
  • auto play or auto pause at start
  • video support
  • touch gestures on mobile devices
  • optional caption on banners
  • content may be tweaked for mobile devices
  • optional text for each slide (HTML supported)
  • optional text on banners (with customizable position)
  • create unlimited slides and compile unlimited sliders with them.

7 post formats

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Filterable portfolio (4 size types)

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Portfolios can include images, sliders or videos.
Items on a portfolio page may contain tags, title and description (all optional).
Different image proportions in one portfolio set are also supported.
Portfolio items can be filtered dynamically by category or tag. Or you can use pagination instead. Every portfolio item has it’s own page.

Galleries (4 sizes) + Fancybox

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Except regular WordPress galleries, there are 4 special types:

  • tiny
  • small
  • medium
  • big

Optionally, Fancybox can be used in every case.

Independent menus for desktop and mobile versions (optional)

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Handy shortcodes

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Now easier to use with simple shortcode assistant.Click through all options. Watch examples of Dropcaps, Highlights, Tooltips, Lists with icons, Tabs, Icons, Boxes, Lines, Quotes, Buttons, Columns, Media queries.
Visual Composer plugin is also supported, if you prefer it.

Social media integration

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110 social media icons + 100 special icons

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Multilingual support

Website theme is fully translated to 4 languages and you can add custom translations as well (WPML and PolyLang plugins are supported)

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Smart images loading

Theme serves accurate images sizes depneding on device needs, so it doesn’t download unnecessary data. For example this portfolio page watched on desktop weighs 1400 kB and only 450 kB on a small mobile phone.

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Full PSD design included

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What buyers say:

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Theme is quite intuitive and easy to use, but if you need, there are short video tutorial included to the documentation.


Website 6.0.2 (4 Aug 2018)
- improved Twitter widget now supports 280-characters tweets and new lines
Website 6.0.1 (8 Sep 2017)
- fixed bug causing posts impossible to save
Website 6.0 (2 Sep 2017)
- added Instagram widget
- added images displaying in Twitter feed
- updated theme's core code
- improved support for HTTPS sites
- improved performance
- increased minimal required PHP version to 5.4
- increased minimal required WordPress version to 4.4
- fixed support of the Captcha plugin
- other minor fixes and improvements
Website 5.9 (2 Jun 2016)
- added title for the Facebook page widget
- fixed Facebook page widget styles
- fixed Pin it button styles
- other minor changes
Website 5.8.2 (23 Mar 2016)
- [list] shortcode can now contain other shortcodes
- fixed post saving bug if "Preview Changes" was used 

Complete changelog can be found in the theme’s documentation.


I’ve used work of the following authors for the demo site: `this.is.epic, Erin Purcell, seyed mostafa zamani, Arjun VS, Angelo González, Joseph Gray, Xanetia, Sonietta46, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Robby Mueller, Blender Foundation and Charlotte McKnight.

Thank you.

